The squad

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Ham: so I've been thinking.

MTJ: that's a first.

Sliced bread: how was the first time experience?

Ham: 🙄🙄

Bub: what were you thinkin?

Ham: see Bubba cares!

YRB: he's just trying to suck up to you since he bumped you at the clash.

Bub: I'm not...

Clyde: 🤨

Ham: whatever back to what I was thinking about

Old man: just say it!

Ham: okay geez, we need a better name for the idiot squad.

KFB: idiot squad suits them perfectly

YRB: idiot squad?

Melon: you, Bubba, Chase, William and Alex

Larson: the idiot squad, made up of idiots that always get in trouble

Clyde: we don't!

MTJ: 🤨

Jimmie: 🤨

Old man: 🤨

Midget: 🤨

Clyde: okay I get the point!

YRB: we definitely need a better name!

Willy b: gangster drivers!

Bub: 😎😎

Old man: no

Ham: no

The showman: okay, what about the only cool drivers

MTJ: also no

YRB: savage and average

Sliced bread: cool but no

Clyde: boring

YRB: your boring

Clyde: what about brute force

Melon: 🤣🤣🤣

Old man: no!

Ty: not fast just furious

Sliced bread: 😂😂😂😂

Ham: I was thinking more like the crack heads

Old man: 🤣🤣

The showman: no

Willy b: 50 shades of slay

Clyde: 😂😂😂

MTJ: more like 50 shades of disappointment

Dillion: 😂

Old man: no 50 shades of pain

Cindric: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Midget: FBIs watch list

Ham: 😂😂

MTJ: young, dumb & broke

YRB: we ain't broke

Ham: okay let's sleep on this and then consult tomorrow


Any ideas for a name for them?  I need ideas

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