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a/n: if there's any grammar or spelling mistakes correct me pls

Henry POV:

"HENRY! GET UP! YOU'RE GONNA BE LATE" I hear my mum yell. I scoff and turn around to go back to sleep until I hear her again. "RALPH'S WAITING FOR YOU" I jump up in my bed. I don't know why I was reacting like this. my heart was beating fast and my face was hot. it's been like this for a few weeks now. I get dressed, run downstairs, pick up my bag and run towards the door. "Henry! don't forget Peter!" dad yells. I roll my eyes and go out the door anyway. I reach Ralph and we do our usual high five. Peters little footsteps are growing closer and eventually he reaches us. "ugh, about time worm" I roll my eyes and start walking to school. we only live about 5 minutes away so it's not really that bad

the walk started off as usual. me making fun of Peter, Peter trying to get Ralph on his side, Ralph ending up in the middle of us. "you guys are so irritating sometimes" Ralph lightly punches me in the arm and nudges Peter lightly. I punch him back, a little harder. he goes to punch me again but I start running towards the school. "BYE WORM" I yell, leaving Peter in front of his school as I run into ours. Ralph's gonna punch way harder than I did. my arm might fall off.

Ralph POV:

I chase Henry all around the school yard until he's cornered on a fence. "okay okay! I give up!" Henry laughs. I walk up to him and put my arms on the fence, cornering him so he really can't go anywhere. I opened my mouth to talk but Margaret butts in.
"what's up? being gay?" Margaret giggles. Henry and I have been friends with her for a while. I let Henry free and turn around to face her. "no.. he's just been chasing me" Henry huffs and moves so he's beside me. "well, I think you guys are being a bit, hmm, fruity. is the nicest way to put it" her and her girlfriend Susan start laughing. Henry rolls his eyes and grabs my hand. leading me away. I wave bye to them and they wave back.

his hand feels so soft. I don't want to let go. he held my hand all the way to class. I know I'm blushing, but I can't help it. Henry's so.. "Ralph? we're here now. you can let go" Henry laughs, waving our hands in front of my face. I let go and laugh with him.

best time skip ever 😱

that was the shortest lesson I've ever had. I kept staring into space and thinking about why Henry is different than anyone else. I've never felt this way. maybe a few times but not this bad. his laugh echo's through my head, when we make eye contact it makes me blush, when he smiles, I smile. what's happening though?? I'll ask Brainy Brian about it. he's smart, so he has to know what's going on. "wait, Brian!" I call out as he's about to leave. he turns around and walks up to me. "hello Ralph" he says. "you're smart, right?" I ask blankly. "yeah! well, I think so" he re-adjusts his glasses. "okay, this is gonna sound so girly but, do you, know anything about strange feelings?" I turned red from embarrassment. I can't believe I'm asking this. EW. "yes I believe so. why's that? what're you feeling?" Brian smiles. "so, when I'm around He- ... ssssomeone.. I get nervous and my stomach feels dizzy. I don't know how to describe it but it's like-" Brian cut me off. "you're in love, Ralph. that is love" he laughs a little and walks off. what? it can't be love. I'm not in love with my best friend! right?..

I catch up with Henry and we high five. "so what'd you talk to Brian about?" he nudges my arm. "just some homework problems" I lie. Henry smirks at me and holds in a laugh. "oh so you heard me? why'd you ask then?" I roll my eyes and slap him on the back lightly. I blush, hoping he didn't hear the bit where I nearly said his name. he just shrugs. "so? who's the girl?" he chuckles. "I'm not saying anything" I scoff. I don't like a girl, Henry, I like you. I think to myself.he keeps begging me to tell him but I keep my mouth shut

we reach his house and we high five and wave goodbye. I see Henry take a deep breath before entering his house. poor Henry. his parents are horribly mean to him.

when I reach mine I walk inside and plop my bag by the counter in the kitchen. I take a seat at the table and stare into space for a little. "oh hello! I didnt hear you come in" my mum smiles. I smile lazily at her. "what's up Ralphie?" she sits at the table with me. I always hated that nickname, but it's fine now. I don't mind. "just thinking" I mumble. "what about?" she puts her hand on mine and squeezes it in a comforting way. I hesitate before taking a deep breath. "I like someone" I blurt out. she smiles softly, waiting for me to tell her who. "I-I.. um, I love a boy mum" I look up at her with tears in my eyes. I can't believe I just said that. "oh honey, don't cry!" she frowns and pulls me closer. "it's alright! I still love you" she strokes my hair. "I like girls too though" I pull away and smile. she smiles back. "that's also alright! soooo?.. who's the lucky boy?" she giggles. I turn red and look away. "you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, hon" she squeezes my hand once more and gets up to make dinner.

Horrid Henry x Rude RalphWhere stories live. Discover now