sleepy night night time

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y'all so there's just a literal tiny bit of grinding and neck kisses. don't sue me, I stole the idea from lots of other books

Ralph POV:

Henry and I had been talking for hours and had finished brushing our teeth a few minutes ago. we're setting up Henry's mattress on the ground next to Henry's bed so I have a place to actually sleep. last time I had to sleep in his bed because we went to sleep late and forgot to make my bed. I didn't mind it honestly. when we finish setting up my bed, Henry sits on his own bed, cross-legged and looking down at me while he blurts about something in his favourite episode from Rapper Zapper or something. I wasn't paying attention. I just watched as Henry babbled on about his favourite show. I still have no idea what Henry's talking about but I love listening to him talk. in all honesty, I've been staring at him and daydreaming about him. "Ralph? why are you staring at me like that? are you even listening?" Henry crosses his arms and stares at me with a fake pout. "s-sorry!" I jump and smile nervously at him. "you were staring at me this time" Henry teases. "was not!" I felt myself blush. "hey guys, please be a bit more quiet. Peters trying to sleep" Henry's mum says poking her head through the door. Henry and i apologize at the same time.

after she leaves Henry and I look at each other. this time it's a different kind of look. it's like it's just us in the world. we're staring into each others eyes and I slowly made my way onto my knees and Henry put his legs over the bed. Henry shook his head as I blinked quickly to snap out of whatever was happening. we shared a look and smiled awkwardly. soon we decided to forget about it and go to bed. "that was so awkward. I wanted to kiss him" I thought.
"good night Henry"
"good night Ralph"

no ones POV:

2:07am or sum
Ralph woke up. Henry was standing over him. "ew, really Ralph? you like me? did you try to kiss me before? that's actually disgusting" Henry scoffed and made a mad face at Ralph. "no! Henry I-" Ralph stumbled up after Henry as he ran off. "Henry wait! I'm sorry!" Ralph cried.

Ralph woke up with tears pouring down his face. he looked around the room and wiped his tears away. just a dream.. Henry wouldn't ever say that..
"mmm Ralph? are you alright?" Henry sleepily whispered. "I just had a bad dream, I'm fine" Ralph whispered. though he was out of breath so he sounded weird. "do you think you'll be able to go back so sleep?" Henry whispered, looking Ralph in the eyes. Ralph hesitated. "I-I think so" Ralph was unsure and Henry could hear it in his voice. "do you wanna sleep in my bed tonight?" Henry smiles softly. even though Ralph could barely see it. "yeah! uh, ye-yes please " Ralph replied a little too quickly. Henry moved closer to the wall. his bed was a little small so Henry knew they'd have to cuddle. that was his plan anyway. he smirked to himself as he felt Ralph climb in. "H-Henry? your beds a bit s-small.. is it okay if I um.." Ralph slowly put an arm over Henry's stomach and turned red. he was glad Henry couldn't see. "yeah, that's fine" Henry blushed and smiled hard. Ralph slowly put his other hand under Henry's pillow and pulled him close with the hand around his stomach.

they had their legs wrapped around each other, Henry's back was against Ralph's stomach and Ralph's face was buried into Henry's hair. Henry fidgeted a little before finding a good spot and accidentally grinding on Ralph. Ralph held his breath and exhaled shakily.

"I can't sleep" Henry muttered after a few minutes. he was blushing and Ralph's shakey breath from before was replaying in his head. he thought it was so hot. (what am I writing 😭) Ralph giggles a little. "did you wanna talk about something?" Ralph suggested. "oh can I tell you about my favorite episode of Rapper Zapper again?!" Henry sat up and turned around excitedly. Ralph sat up with him, turning on a lamp. "yeah! go for it" Ralph smiled softly. Henry started to ramble about his favourite episode. yet again, Ralph had no idea what he was talking about. but it was fine. he loved Henry. he started to look at Henry in the most loving way Henry had ever seen. Henry stumbled on a few words because of it and started blushing slightly. Ralph noticed and smiled harder. Ralph continued staring and Henry lost his focus. "R-Ralph, you're staring again" Henry mumbles and blushes, looking away. Ralph puts a hand under Henry's chin and makes Henry face him. "keep talking, it's cute" Ralph winked and let go of Henry's chin. Henry's eyes widened and looked down, blushing again. he shook his head. "I-I forgot the rest" he said, lifting his head slightly. Ralph took Henry's chin in his hand again and they made eye contact. Ralph slowly starting to move forward, towards Henry.

both now blushing hard and slowly moving in, Ralph slid his hand off Henry's chin and went down henrys neck, to his arms, to his waist. both of Ralph's hands now lay on Henry's waist. Henry slithered his hands onto Ralph's neck. they hesitated when their noses nearly touched. Henry closed the gap. both their lips meeting for the first time in real life. Ralph pulled Henry closer by the waist so that Henry was now on his lap, the kiss deepening a little. Ralph saw Henry's eyes shut slowly, so he shut his too.

I'm dying. I have school in the morning and it's midnight. wish me luck 😍

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