kisses 😱

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Ralph saw Henry's eyes shut slowly, so he shut his too. their lips moved against eachother. after a while they separated and smiled at each other for a bit before kissing again.

they were actually kissing eachother. it was a dream come true for both of them. Ralph wanted to try something he read in books a couple times. he bit Henry's bottom lip softly and Henry opened his mouth slightly, letting out a rough breath. Ralph started exploring Henry's mouth with his tounge. eventually they pulled apart and gasped for air. "where'd you learn to do that?" Henry managed between gasps of air. "I read it in my parents books and wanted to try it" Ralph replied between gasps. Henry let out a breathy laugh. Ralph rested his head against Henry's neck. after Ralph caught his breath, he started kissing Henry's neck and biting his collarbone. Henry let out shakey breaths every now and then.

Ralph pulls up Henry's shirt a bit and put his hands up his shirt on his back, rubbing one of his hands in a slow circle. the other hand holding Henry in place. Henry tilted his head back and gave Ralph had more access to his neck. Ralph kissed everywhere and bit in places he knew would be hidden. he bit on a certain place that made Henry let out a very shakey breath. Ralph started biting and kissing that spot over and over again. Henry eventually let out a quiet whimper and covered his mouth, clenching his eyes shut. Ralph got off Henry's neck and looked at Henry. he took his hand of his mouth. Henry let out one last shakey breath before resting on Ralph's shoulders and they laughed a little. Henry thought he might try it out. he put a hand on Ralph's neck and the other rested on his back. he kissed Ralph's neck and Ralph let out a breathy little laugh and moved his hands to Henry's waist, still under his shirt.

Henry bit and kissed like Ralph did except he didn't bite in hidden places. he forgot to hide them. (DAYUMMM) Henry kissed a certain place that made Ralph's hands dig into Henry's waist while trying not to make any sound. Henry bit harder and Ralph gripped harder, tilting his head back and squeezing his eyes shut. Henry sucked and bit and kissed that spot until Ralph let out a breathy whimper. Henry smiles and got off his neck. "I win!" he laughed. and Ralph rolled his eyes. "that's just bullying" Ralph's lets his grip on Henry's waist go. "those are probably gonna be bruised by tomorrow" Henry sighs dramatically and he turns around and falls onto Ralph's lap. "Henry?" Ralph grabs Henry's hands and places both hands on Henry's chest. "yeah?" Henry smiles and looks him in the eyes. "I don't know if you couldn't tell by those kisses, but I like you" Ralph smiles and blushes hard. "I like you too Ralph. I have for a while actually, I just haven't noticed what it was" Henry laughed. "can we talk about it in the morning?" Ralph smiles. Henry nods and they crawl back into the blankets then cuddle again. after a few minutes of cuddling, Henry feels Ralph's hand crawl back up his shirt and onto his stomach. Henry snuggles up impossibly closer.
"good night Henry"
"good night Ralph"

this is my first time writing actual kissing shii so please give me any tips to make it better pleaaaaseee thanks! ily and have a good day/night ♡♡

Horrid Henry x Rude RalphWhere stories live. Discover now