Chapter Four

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"Jinx, where were you?"

Vi's worried face is the first thing that greets the two women when Jinx tries to open the front door as quietly as she can, hoping that her sister is fast asleep from post-coital bliss (ew ew ew ew!) and won't give her any trouble for coming home at two past midnight.

I was in heaven, Jinx wants to say. Every moment she spent with Lux, chatting in the lab and on the way here, was the epitome of bliss. Every time Lux would chuckle and run her hand through that gorgeous blonde hair, Jinx's heart would do a weird stomp and skip a beat. Every time Lux put her index finger to her lips, lost in thought, Jinx felt like she would give up anything just to be that finger and also press against those luscious lips.

"I was in the lab, and Lux here teleported—" into my lap. "there. Come on, sis, can we come in?"

The shoes come off just as Lux marvels at this custom, and Jinx has to explain that no, it's not a Piltover custom, it's just that Caitlyn, her sister's girlfriend, is a big old—

"We were worried about you!" Caitlyn chimes in, surfacing from the master bedroom (hehe, more like 'mistress' bedroom), her arms crossed, her gaze stern — which would almost be menacing if it weren't for the fact that she's wearing her pink pyjamas.

"Oh come on, Cait, please don't be like that." Jinx leans against the wall just below one of Caitlyn's elaborate paintings of a dog resting by the riverside. (Both bark and barf.) "I mean, Lux literally teleported into my lab, we had a lot to discuss. Also, I was pretty sure you two were doing the dirty jingle-jangle anyway."

Caitlyn's blush only proves Jinx that she might be right. To an extent, at least. Thankfully, the sheriff drops her line of questioning and instead her eyes drift up and down Lux's (gorgeous) form.

"So... who is your new... friend?"

"This is Lux." Jinx groans in exasperation, marching into the kitchen and dragging Lux by the hand. (No, it's not an excuse to hold hands with her, shut up, residue Mylo!) "She teleported here. It's a mage thing. She ran away from a very very bad place, so she'll live with us for a while if it's cool."

Caitlyn opens her mouth to offer a million precautions, and probably even more questions, but Vi approaches, strong and comforting in her shorts and T-shirt, which reminds Jinx — just for a moment! — of Vander.

"It's cool," Vi confirms with a nod, and Jinx releases the breath she didn't realise she'd been holding.

After all, these couple of years have not only changed her; they've also changed her relationship with her sister, something that she doesn't ever wanna risk. Not again.

"Lux, if you need psychological help," Caitlyn attempts, but Jinx waves her hands in the air and immediately sprints towards the cupboard to rummage through and get something Lux would like.

What do angels eat anyway?

"Come on, Princess, let's get you something to eat before bed. You must be starving, I am starving!" Jinx chants, hoping that if she just keeps talking, her stupid heart will stop beating so rapidly at the idea of Lux, beautiful, funny, angel-voice Lux, staying with her. By her side.

"Pardon the question, but where am I going to sleep?" Lux asks suddenly, and, just as suddenly, Jinx realises that she only has one bed, and no couch, and that she is so, so very gay.

Oh fuck.

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