Chapter 1 : Prologue

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Ryuuen Kakeru

An abrupt announcement resounded over the school's speakers, and all of us were summoned to the auditorium. I looked around at people around me curiously as they walked into a crowded room filled with many teachers who stood together. 

Everyone was whispering excitedly amongst themselves, looking back down the hall towards our classroom to see if we could find out what had happened. A few students were already there, waiting impatiently at the venue for the teacher to arrive or to deliver their godamn announcement.

I looked at the person standing next to me, who was unexpectedly none other than Ayanokouji.

His usual expression of indifference, showing no signs of eagerness, annoyance, or whatsoever. Just seeing him makes me want to repeatedly kick him in the face until he begs me to stop, though I doubt even that would elicit a response from him.

As much as I hate and despise him, it cannot be denied that I have grown attached to this monster. In fact, until I break his endless confidence for once, I won't even allow Lucifer to cast him into hell.

He appeared to have just seen me and was attempting to disappear. It was so typical of him to hide in the shadows. He certainly believes he can always get away. "What's up, Ayanokouji going somewhere?" I asked to stop him from slipping, but my voice wasn't very loud or intense, so no one else could hear me except for a few people.

"Looking around," he said.

"We don't want you to wondering around while teachers told us to remain still, do we?" I remarked as I trampled on his shoes with mine. He couldn't help but resist because of the sheer volume of people present, or else, it would cause a scene.

"Good afternoon, dear students of ANHS. It's a pleasure to meet you all. I'm Eddie Miller. I have the privilege of being here at your humble academy in order to tell & show you all about something incredible." The speaker spoke with a deep British accent, and was dressed in a long dark brown coat. His hair was swept back from his face. A thin silver chain hung around his neck, which he wore as an accessory.

"What I am about to tell you is so exciting that it might change our entire lives. But before I get started, may I ask, Do you all know what the human brain is capable of? What its purpose is for?"  He paused dramatically as though trying to garner as many responses as possible.

When none came, he continued, almost as if there were no one waiting to speak. "The human brain has been the subject of research since humans began to evolve in the ancient world. However, because of their unique abilities, and because of certain discoveries made during these early years of research, we were able to make this very important discovery today."  He looked out into us.

"Can anyone tell me the definition of the human brain?" No one responded.

He continued."Well... I guess that means everyone knows the answer."

"That ain't 'possible', mister."  A boy shouted up from the middle row. On second look, isn't he Nagumo, our stupid president of the student council.

"Everyone knew the answer ages ago, mister."

"I'm not talking about a real answer." He raised his hand slightly. "A real answer doesn't involve any words that can be understood by a person who has only just learned to read. That is my point. Now do any of you think we could ever discover some sort of biological connection between human intelligence and our ability to communicate? How could we discover more information from our brains than we already possess? Is it even possible?"  He waited again.

There were more murmurs among the students as they thought through their responses.

I was trying to figure out where he was going with this nonsense. Has the school invited a lecturer to inform us about the brain, which the majority of those present are unable to even use.

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