My love

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It was a nice sunny summer morning when Elizabeth's school was going on there end of year trip in grade seven 7 when Elizabeth saw a very handsome boy Rodney little did she know that he would be her first real and longest love.

When the school bus arrived at the water park Lize and her friends went to change into their swimwear and then headed to the pool where she met her first love.

Lize did not see him around school that much so she couldn't recognize him. Then tge students started to play a water game girls vs. boys and Lize and Rodney went head to head but they didn't get to finish the game.

Over the summer all Lize could think about was Rodney. When they went back to school Lize tryed her best to bump into Rodney but she didnt kno which class he was in, and then one day she walked pass him on the corrider when she looked at him he look at her and they both started to blush and this happened everyday until one day Lize's best friend Towi noticed and asked her about it.

Lize told Towi that she has a crush on Rodney, and luckly for Lize Rodney was in Towi's boyfriend's class. So Towi told Lize that she gonna talk to her boyfriend and try to get some info on Rodney.

A few days later when Lize and Towi was walk on the coridder Rodney and his bestfriend passed and Lize and Rodney started to blush with each other again so Towi dragged Lize to Rodney's class and they both talked and Lize asked Rodney for his number so they can text and he gave her.

Rodney and Luze started to text and they got closer and closer until they started dating. At first they had a "text only relationship" because they were both too very shy to talk in person, then they started to meet at school and talk.

Elizabeth was in love although she had doughts because if previous relationships she didnt care. They were both in love according to Lize.

Then it was christmas break Lize and Rodney texted everyday and one day after new years Lize got a text from Rodney saying "could you please not come over my hang-out spot cause when you do my friends go wild" Lize felt hurt that he didnt want her there so she avoided him and the spot

Then Towi said one day to Lize "I havent seen you talking to Rodney, come on lets go over his hang-out spot" but Lize refused because of the message then Towi started to wonder why.

Then Lize couldnt stand to be apart from Rodney and one morning she went to the spot and waited fir Rodney to oass when he did she calked him over and they started to talk and this continued every morning.

Then it stop for no reason and Lize didnt care about what his friends think so she continued going to his hang-out stop and talk

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