Chapter III

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      "I can't believe you didn't tell me!" Char smacked my shoulder and I smiled.
      "It was kinda last minute, Vince and Paul wanted me back with this vampire thing," I said checking my contacts in the mirror.
       "Well they have been talking about a story for Rhea to fall in love and all that with someone, and I guess they wanted you for the chemistry you had both in and out of the ring," char sighed adjusting her top.
      "What?" I asked slightly surprised.
      "I don't agree considering all that Ripley has done in the ring to others, but I just didn't think they would want to pull you back after the Bliss incident." I sighed and looked at her slightly confused face.
       "So this was all in motion? Do you know for how long?" I asked watching the screen as a couple of others fought.
        "Since the fans noticed the only reason Rhea went after Bliss was from your injuries," she looked over at me and pushed some of my hair behind my ear. "But it's just a story for work, right?"
        I looked at her concerned expression recalling the emotions I had for Rhea in the past, "right."


   The night was over and I went back up to my office to remove the makeup and foreign objects required for my new character, soon after I changed into a tee and sweats. I looked down at the stadium, now empty.
   My phone buzzed wildly from Twitter and social media posts about my return, and to my surprise messages from Rhea.

Demi Bennett

"Welcome back, I never thought I would see you in the ring again."

I ignored it and packed my things to go home.


     The ride home was pretty uneventful, but once my body walked through the threshold of my penthouse apartment I felt my body relax. My body slumped on the couch and soon fell asleep from exhaustion.

Demi Bennett

"So you're ignoring me now?"

"Kaylie, please!"


   I woke up the next morning and got ready for work, which consists of a black suit and simple makeup with my hair up in a bun.
    I grabbed my things and made my way back to the office where all the wrestlers were working out and doing their thing. But all went silent when I walked in. My eyes trailed their gaze until they fell upon Rhea or "Demi" she looked pissed or upset.
    Charolette walked out from the back way and hugged me tightly, "Kaylie, how was your night?" She asked as we walked back to her dressing room.
    I pulled out my phone and showed her the messages, "how do you think?" I asked as she laughed at the texts.
    "Now that is desperate," she managed to speak through laughs. I rolled my eyes and ruffled her blonde hair.
"Anyways" I sighed looking at my watch, "I think I have to check my emails" I walked out of her dressing room and to my office.
I went and sat down in my chair looking in my computer, going through my emails and checking on applications.

From: Paul

Goodmorning Kaylie!
Good job last night, take this week to rest up and train for your first match back. The fans are going wild.
I have a meeting with Vince for some of your new story, I will keep you posted.

I closed my email and turned to look out of the large window to the ring. Soon enough I stood up and went back to the common area where all the wrestlers were mingling and talking about characters and story lines. Charlotte walked over to me and jumped in my arms bridal style.
"Woah!" I exclaimed from lack of preparation, she laughed and leaned into my ear.
"Watch Demi," she whispered as my eyes met with her now rage filled gaze. Dom was on her right side trying to calm her down like it was the ring. I put Char down and noticed Liv talking with Bliss and I went to sit down with them.
"Hey Kay!" They both chimed, although Bliss almost ended my career, I don't hate her. We are actually good friends, but not as close as Charlotte and I are.
"What's with grumpy over there?" I asked motioning to Rhea, they both looked at each other and laughed.
"I'm not sure if you know but her and Dom broke up," Alexis said looking at Liv.
"Yeah I was informed but what did that have to do with me?" I asked raising an eyebrow at them both.
Charlotte sat next to me and said,"remember when I said that Rhea and Your story line will only be business?" I nodded a yes. "Well, she doesn't want it to stay that way I guess." I looked over that Demi and she went on talking to Dom and Edge.
"I'm not going through what I did before," I stated. "Besides, she hasn't made the first effort to speak to me outside of the ring."
"You are choosing to ignore her texts," Char added with a smirk. "Look I don't agree with you two being together, but you are still co workers."
I sighed and pulled my phone out from my pocket.

Demi Bennett

"Thank you, I hope we work together more"

I sent her a short but professional message and as soon as I sent it she looked at her phone. With a slight smile.


Everyone went home and I sat in my office going through applications per usual. Until my phone buzzed.

Demi Bennett

"Can we grab dinner? I know you're still in your office, your light is on."

I looked out of my window to see Rhea on the edge of the ring.

"I'm kinda busy, maybe another time."

"No one has to know Kaylie. Please I want to talk."

"Demi, look. What we had before is done and gone. You chose Dom over me in the end."

I watched as her hands went through her hair thinking about what to say next.

"Please, we need to talk about our story line. Have you not read your email from Paul and Vince?"

I turned around to my computer and looked for the email she was referring to.

From Paul
Cc Vince, Demi Bennett

Welcome back once again. Let's kick this into high gear, we want a juicy and drama filled ring while you're back.
Three things.
Rhea Ripley, Judgment day, and Dominic.
Do with this what you will

I turned my computer off and looked down from my office at Rhea anxiously looking at her phone for a response.

"Where did you have in mind?"

Her smile lit up at my semi forced acceptance.

"Meet me at my car, it's a surprise."

I sighed and turned my phone off to place it in my pocket.

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