Chapter 19

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I stood up from the med and my back was the last thing that needed to be hit, "Kaylie, your back is ripped apart," Rhea sighed as I leaned back to pop my spine.
"I think I will be fine," I groaned, I mean as long as I can move I will be good.
"Smack down woman's champion," Dom came around the corner with Damian and Finn.
"Careful guys, she almost passed out in the ring," Rhea said making sure they knew what was going on.
"I'm okay I promise," I said making my way past them and back to the gorilla. Rhea followed behind me and tossed me a mic. I raised my eye brown confused and her music played, Dom tossed her my belt and she pulled me out to the ring.
"Introducing, for the first time. You're new women's smack down champion, Vampyer!" Rhea put the belt around my waist and lifted my arm in the air.
"Is this why you pulled me out here?" I asked placing the mic to my mouth. She smiled and reached in her back pocket for something.
"Vampyer, this has been the best past couple of weeks with you," the crowd awed. "So I wanted to take our relationship to the next level and present you this," she pulled out a ring. It was a coffin ring with a red gem in the center, "this is a promise ring, and it's a promise to always be there for you even when you're not in the Judgement day, this is my promise you. To always be by your side." She slid the ring on my left middle finger and I smiled.

      "Rhea, I don't know what to say," I smiled hugging her

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"Rhea, I don't know what to say," I smiled hugging her. The Eclipse theme played and all three stepped out, with Charlotte limping.
"I do," Dakota smirked as they all climbed in ruining the moment. "That should be me," Dakota spat pointing to Rhea.
Rhea pushed me behind her and the rest of Judgment day came out and into the ring like before. "But it's not you," Rhea said glaring at the group.
"You may have won this time Vampyer, but there will be many more battles to come," Charlotte said pointing to me.
"I'm counting on it," I said pushing past Rhea. "And as a matter of fact, Dom I'm going to take up your offer earlier." Rhea looked back at Dom confused as he smiled and leaned down to an official who ran off and came back with something under a sheet. Dom took it and handed it to Rhea with a whisper to her ear and she smiled.
"All rise," the crowd rose at Rhea's command and the Eclipse went wide eyed as Rhea pulled the sheet from the object. Which was the crown they had for me, placed perfectly on a pillow.

Rhea handed the pillow to Damian and placed the crown upon my head, following all of Judgment day to bow down to me

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Rhea handed the pillow to Damian and placed the crown upon my head, following all of Judgment day to bow down to me.
"Rise up, there is no need to bow down to me," I said looking directly at Charlotte. "A real queen is not higher than her people," I snapped as they stood up. Rhea took my hand and examined the ring before looking back at the Eclipse.
"You're looking at the new Judgment Day leader Edge," Rhea smirked as we all exited the ring.


"Finally!" Rhea shouted pulling me into a hug.
"Watch the back!" I shouted as she let me go and laughed. We all walked back to their dressing room and I just relaxed.
"Welcome to the team," Finn said grabbing his bags to go change. I smiled and Rhea grabbed her own bag.
"Come on let's go get changed," she said taking me hand and leading me to my office. She closed the door behind her as I pulled the crown from my head and placing it on my desk along with my new belt. Rhea and I both got changed and I brushed out my hair from the damage it took earlier. "Do you like it?" Rhea asked motioning to my ring.
"I love it," I smiled as she walked up to me, her hands went around my waist and lifted me up on my desk. She kissed me deeply and I accepted openly, our tongues fighting for dominance. Rhea pulled my shirt off and made sure to be easy on my back, her hands gently trailed down my body.
"Easy," I huffed.
She stopped and looked at me concerned, "are you hurting?" She asked.
"I want this to be somewhere else, and when I'm fully healed," I said pulling my shirt on. She smiled and kissed me lightly again, agreeing with my decision. I jumped down from my desk and smiled, it was a good night.

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