Chapter 24

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My body ached as I sat outside of the gorilla, in a simple tee shirt and ripped jeans. I wasn't fighting but I still had my championship belt around my waist, my green eyes covered by red contacts. It was Monday Night Raw, the mark of the 1st of a long 6 weeks, but I'm still here on the side lines. I'm not too sure why but Paul has me making an appearance every other show, I wonder if Demi set that up to keep me from losing my mind.
    "Baby?" Her voice broke my thoughts as her hand caressed my upper arm. Her fingers slipped under the sleeve of my shirt to grip my bare shoulder, I have to admit her bare skin felt good enough to make me melt.
    "I'm okay Rhea, I just don't know what to expect tonight," I sighed placing my hand on top of hers.
    "I'm here, you know that," she let me go and my shiny echoed through the arena. I gave her a weak smile and walked down the entrance, and was given a mic as soon as my foot came into view.
     "Who missed me?" I smiled walking to the ring. The crowd went wild as I hadn't been around much and people were starting to worry if I was okay or not. "I know I've been gone for a minute, but I'm back and this bad boy isn't going anywhere," I said pointing to the belt around my waist. Just when I went to breathe for another sentence the theme of the person who wanted to ruin me, Charlotte Flair.
     "Nobody missed you, trust me." Her voice silenced the entire ring, not out of fear, but out of curiosity of what will happen next. I could feel Rhea's anger from the gorilla, but she had to stay back with Dom, Damian, and Finn. "And if they did, they missed me kicking your ass," her voice rolled venom as she stepped into the ring. Each step she took forward I shifted back, but who am I kidding the Eclipse could attack me from any point.
     "If that we're the case, this wouldn't be around my waist. Right?" I pushed back. She smirked that god awful smirk, how I hated that smirk more than anything now.
     "Maybe, but at least I'm not crippled for a couple of weeks. 6 of them was it? Who would want a champion in a wheel chair, I almost paralyzed you. Isn't that right?" Her words felt like stabs in my chest, I called this woman my best friend. "You were nothing before me, but a simple girl who sat in that office up there after your first accident. I picked you up from nothing when you fell for Rhea Ripley the first time, and I'm not going to be there for that again-"

This is my brutality

   "I've heard enough!" Rhea broke the silence and ran to the ring, her 5,7 figure towered over my 5,4 height. I was facing her back as she stood between Charlotte and myself, "you can't just walk in here thinking you can speak to her any way you want. This isn't some game for us, this isn't some story, this is our life. This whole feud is real, and everything you say is what you mean." Rhea took two steps forward now almost nose to nose with Flair.
    "I never said I didn't mean anything, I do with all of my heart Ripley. I have issues with your girlfriend, and Kaylie it's personal," she just said my name over the mic for everyone to hear.
     "You want to get to her, you have to go through me," Rhea threw the microphone and stood preparing for what may come, but all Charlotte did was laugh.
    "I'm not here to fight, at least tonight." Her eyes rolled over Rhea's shoulders and to my direct gaze. "But our time will come eventually, and I will not care about the aftermath of you," her eyes sent hell over my body.
    "I'm not scared of you," I spat. "All you are is insecure, I'm not going to let you push me around anymore." She hated being called insecure, because she in fact was. I threw my microphone and grabbed Rhea's hand to step out of the ring when I felt two hands shove me, and if it wasn't for Rhea I would have fell out onto the metal stairs. Before I could even process what happened, Rhea was already throwing punches at Charlotte.
     Have you ever heard of the domino effect? Well all of Eclipse and Judgment day bolted out to break the two up, while I stood on the side watching the two go at it. Dakota glanced over to me with a smirk and let Charlotte go to prance over to me, taunting me knowing I was hurt. Rhea saw this but was preoccupied by Charlotte, the only thing she could do was watch. Dom and Damian had taken the responsibility of trying to pull Rhea away while Finn was about to go at it with Edge.
    "Look at this, you're alone and vulnerable now aren't you?" Dakota stepped out of the ring to where I was. My back pressed against the wall, with fans behind me. "Are you scared?" She smirked looking straight through me.
    "I was never scared of you, and now is not going to change that," I said pushing my body off the barricade to straighten up. She pulled back and decked me right in the face, I felt my nose start to bleed. My hand went to feel the blood, and the red entered my view.  "That's a fucking mistake," I smirked under my breath, she went wide eyed as Rhea kicked Charlotte out of the ring. Dom and Damian let her go, both of their hands went up both of them knowing what was about to go down. Edge went to Charlotte, and Finn looked over to see what was happening.
     Rhea dove over the ropes and body slammed Dakota, her hips straddled over her waist landing left and right punches.

Lesson learned I guess.

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