Chapter 3

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Walking up to my brothers, I could feel how close Daryl was, his breath hitting the back of my neck every so often, if I randomly stop he walk straight into me.

"Could you just tell me why? Why would you risk your life for a douche bag like Merle Dixon"not the best timing to walk up to the boys, I mentally slapped myself.

"Hey, choose your words more carefully." Daryl moved from behind me, if you could feel emotions, all I could feel was anger and hatred towards my brother coming off  daryl.

"No, I did. Douche bag's what I meant. Merle Dixon...The guy wouldn't give you a glass of water if you were dying of thirst." Shane continues, did I agree with him, a bit yes. Merle was a selfish prick. But there was more to him. I could see it. Every so often that Dixons wall would fall and I could see the man he truly is. But to shane and everyone else he was just a selfish drug addict.

"What he would or wouldn't do doesn't interest me. I can't let a man die of thirst..." he stopped looking at Carl playing with Sofia "Thirst and exposure. We left him like an animal caught in a trap. That's no way for anything to die, let alone a human being."he finished. I shifted on the spot, i caught Daryl looking at me confused before quickly turning away.

"So you and Daryl, that's your big plan?" Lori asked her husband.

"Not just us," she frowned at her husband words but followed to where he was pointing. I flashed them a smile.

"Your taking kaylee!" Lori snapped, worry in her eyes. "Are we forgetting that, I was a military soldier not even two months ago. I probably am the best person to go. In fact I could go on my own and be back before dinner" I smirked at everyone. Glenn and t-dog chuckled.

"No, we do this together" I nodded at ricks words. I knew he would never let me do it on my own. It would be a waste of my time even fight him about it.

"Your not taking kaylee, I need her here" Shane spoke up, I rolled my eyes "to do what Shane, to babysit Carl so you can have a good time in the woods" I smirked at him.

His eyes went to panic to anger in 0.5 seconds as they flicked from rick to Lori then back to me, he came striding over to me, pulling me away from the confused group and point a finger in my face "you shut your mouth!" I smack his finger out of my face. "Don't point it rude!" I mumbled.

"I'm not 5, I'm two minutes younger then you. Stop acting like dad. And go back to be the brother that was never around. It was much easier for both of us then" I could see the hurt in his eye as I said my words.

But I couldn't give a shit, he need to hear them. "Kaylee i-" I stoped him before he could give me a half assed apology or some shit excuse

"And if you ever try to stop me from helping again, I'll cut your dick off" I quickly walk back to the group.

"So it just you, kaylee and Daryl?" Lori asked, I shook my head. Both men looked at me confused.

"Glenn's coming too" I announced, "I am?" His head spun round to me, I flashed him a smile "You know the way. You've been there before... In and out, no problem." I winked at him.

His face went red, "plus I need to know where I can get a good pizza from" I joked, Glenn laughed.

"That's just great. Now you're gonna risk three men, huh?" Shane snapped at Rick like it was Rick who asked Glenn.

"Four." T-dog said.

I turn to Daryl when he huffed loudly "My day just gets better and better, don't it?" I would of laughed, but it would've ended with me having a arrow to the head.

"You see anybody else here stepping up to save your brother's cracker ass?" T-dog was a good guy, I could see he just wanted to fix his mistakes.

"Why you?" Daryl asked, while everyone talks about who dicks are bigger or whatever. I went to quickly find Carl.

"Hey little man" I smiled, sitting down next to him. "Me and your dad, are going to go get the scary looking not so scary man's brother, we willl be back in a few hours" at my words he stop playing with his toys and looked up at me.

"You'll be back right?" I smiled at the boy, "of course, I always come back. So does you dad, yesterday proves it." I watch as his eye flicked to his dad "But while I'm gone your got to look out for your mom and Sophia" I winked at him, knowing about his crush on the little girl.

"Aunt kaylee!" He hid his face, I laughed. "Hey, let me see that smile" he shows me the biggest smile ever. "Now that the smile I want to see when I get back! Okay?" I ask, he nods "okay"

I could feel eye's watching me from behind "Uh... hey sorry to interrupt" the southern accent told me who was behind me. I turn to look at the redneck, he looked at the car then back at me. I nodded. "Come on kid, let's go say see you later to your dad"


The truck driver was awkward to say the least, Daryl snapping anytime someone tried to talk to him, Rick not speak just focusing on the task and t-dog and Glenn well there were just themselves.

Me, I kinda fell asleep. There was to much tension for my liking to I fell asleep. Sat in the front with Rick to my left driving and Daryl on my right.

when I fell asleep on ricks shoulder, I could feel eyes on me most of the time, to lazy to open my eyes but if I did I would find a certain redneck staring at me, like I'd disappear if he looked away.

The dude has a real staring problem.

Next thing I knew I was being woken up and told we had to walk the rest of the way to Atlanta on rail roads.

After choosing to get Merle first then the guns we headed towards the building he was left on, after killing a few walker close up we make our way up to the roof.

"Merle! Merle!" Daryl pushes past everyone once the door is open, we all follow behind, when Daryl stops his face pale and his lip starts to quiver "No! No!" He cries.

I stood frozen, a hand on the floor surrounded with a pool of blood and a saw. He cut his own hand off.

He may of not died of heat exhaustion but that much blood lose and probably still losing blood there is no way he could survive long.

"No! No!"

"Daryl" my voice shaking, he turns to me. First time in my life I saw this man cry and I made a promise to make it hopefully the last.

Daryl wasnt the only one who lost something today, I lost a friend. One of many more to come.

But something deep down tells me Merle Dixons wasn't dead. Like he's told me many time on hunting trips that:

only thing that can kill a Dixons is a Dixons.


Two chapters in one days 😱

Hope you happy!
This one's a bit small.

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