Chapter 4

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Staring at Merle's severed hand. I swallowed hard, walking away from the group over the edge in case I need to puke, even when I was Iraq I couldn't look at the body pieces of fellow soldiers who had just been blown up. Logan always help them for me,

"I won't hesitate. I don't care if every walker in the city hears it." I turn when I heard Rick voice, what I see makes me just want to lob myself over this edge. Daryl pointing his crossbow at t-dog while Rick points his gun and Daryl.

Where are walkers when you need them.

I watch from afar Daryl realizes Rick is being honest and lowers his crossbow. Daryl looked down at the hand, "You got a rag or something?" I roll my eyes at the rednecks words.

When T-Dog hands him one and Daryl picks up Merle's severed hand that is already decaying, I want to puke all over again. "I guess the saw blade was too dull for the handcuffs. Ain't that a b¡tch." I heard Daryl mutter to no one in particular.

I watch as he motioned for Glenn to turn around, at that moment Glenn probably wanted to jump of the roof with me. I laughed at the pizza boys face. My eyes focused on the blood then daryl. He was trying to hide it but he was worried,

"He must have used a tourniquet... maybe his belt. Be much more blood if he didn't." I spoke up, making everyone turn to me, I pointed to the trail of blood by Daryl. "My guess is once he was out, he tried to get of this bloody roof" I said,

"Thanks for that captain obvious" Glenn said sarcastically, which led to me flipping him the bird. The group starts to follow the trail of blood which led to the stairs "Merle? Ya in  here?" Daryl whisper yelled.

After finding a burnt knife and merles belt close to a smashed widow we all quick came to the conclusion that he left the building.

I don't know if he was stupid or he just felt he was out of options.

Now I felt like I was back at camp with to much testosterone for my liking, Daryl was arguing with Rick about trying to follow Merle and Rick was trying to talk Daryl about god knows what!

"Get your hands off me! You can't stop me." Daryl yelled at Rick, yeah Rick probably wouldn't be able to but I probably could, watching him over the past 2 months I figured out he favours his right leg, on swings to it and he will be on the floor.

"I don't blame you. He's family, I get that. I went through hell to find mine. I know exactly how you feel." Rick paused looking over to me, I smiled. "He can't get far with that injury. We could help you check a few blocks around but only if we keep a level head." He finish speaking and it finally looked like he was getting into Daryl head. "I could do that." Daryl nodded.

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