Blinded by Orange

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I sighed, watching as Orange continued his onslaught of nonstop jokes and puns.

As much as I cared for the orange fruit, I did not like to always listen to the boy. Orange was like a child at times, and at times it felt like I was the unfortunate caretaker that just had to sit through the insanity of the child.

"Pear! Pear!"

My eyes finally refocused, looking back at Orange. Orange had one of those pouty faces on, something he always had on when he knew I wasn't fully there.

"Were you even listening to a thing I was saying?"

I did a small hum to myself, thinking for a moment "ah, no. not really" what was the point of lying to the fruit?

Orange sighed, looking quite annoyed himself. quite ironic when you think about it. The annoying fruit is annoyed for once. I almost had half the mind to laugh at it. Almost.

Orange plastered back on his wide smile "oh well, I was about to get to the point anyways!" ah, that usually meant more talking. Before I could begin to zone back out to let the fruit continue with his ramblings, I saw how oranges focus quickly changed from me too Little Apple.

"Hey Miget apple-" little apple growled out "Little apple" but Orange continued "-Where have you been?! I've been forced to talk to the brick wall over here" he laughed at his own joke.

I rolled my eyes. Strangely enough, the joke wasn't that bad. better than his usual ones at least.

Little Apple seemed to agree with my internal statement "wow orange making an actual funny joke? rare!"

Orange looked taken back at the jab, about to defend himself when Little Apple continued "But honestly, just helping the doc with his newest invention, he said I could have first dibs if I did." He held out some wires with his nonexistent hand. "Actually, I'm more of an Erran boy, but still..."

Orange eyes lit up at this new information. Oh no.

"woah! Could I see it!"

I forced on a smile and looked at orange "hey let's not do that please." God, orange around another one of the Doctor's inventions? Terrifying thought.

Orange looked at me, confused as ever. Is he really this oblivious of his own chaos? "What, why? it'll be fun!"

fun for you, what I wanted to say, but I simply sighed. Reasoning with orange never worked, why would it work now?

Maybe, I'd sometimes tell myself, if he was a bit smarter and not so out there, perhaps I could be closer to the boy. A world where he wasn't so Annoying...

But that would never really happen...


But of course, pondering on the what-ifs never lasted long enough to think much more than a simple one-off thought. I looked over to see little apple laughing.

"Orange, I'm NOT doing that. I'm not an idiot"

"On the contrary my fruity friend, your intelligence sometimes intertwines with your Hight."

Little Apple jumped at the sudden voice, looking behind him to see... Dr bananas?

Dr bananas laughed to himself "Forgive me for my sudden reappearance, but I simply had to show off my prototype to everyone! I do hope you won't mind my Malus domestica, for your onslaught of questions was quite harrowing to my research."

I did a small chuckle after seeing little Apple's confused expression and Orange's blank face from the complex words that were thrown around. I'll admit, I didn't fully understand dr bananas myself, but I knew enough to conversate with the man from time to time.

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