3- The day

17 6 3

Its the day.

The day of the date. 

I say good-bye

And leave the store

I close and lock the door.

I get into my car

And drive away

Away to my house

Where I change for the date.

I put on my church pants and a nice shirt that I think is clean.

I'm about to leave,

But I've been seen.

"Eric, you look so handsome."

My mother says.

"You're really growing up boy. You're not the same bum."

My dad says.

I thank them and get in my car. 

Type the directions into my phone.

Then hit the road.

I've arrived.

A bit after time.

But luckily, I don't think she's ready.

I ring the bell

Her grandpa asks if I've got anything to sell.

Ashley walks out the door

Dressed in pearls galore.

We get in my car

And go to the movies.

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