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Help Sara, huh?

  Sorry, Sara, it's my life on the line, and if Sou finds it.. yeah. We passed by the game room once more, and not once did Sou mention to anyone that they were trapped in a room to anyone, not even to Reko or Nao.

What happened? Was he looking for something? Did he not care?

He walked into the cafeteria, making me crouch behind one of the tables. Sou continued to walk, as I continued to step closer and closer to him, noticing a paper ball on the ground a few feet in front of me.

There it is, the note! I dove down underneath one of the tables, trying my best to grab it discreetly. I lifted the tablecloth slightly and slowly moved my hand closer and closer until I noticed another hand going to grab it.

My hand immediately drove back underneath the tablecloth and my head almost hit the table. The sound of his footsteps rang against my ears as he continued to walk. Shit..shit.. oh my god. I am so screwed. I immediately crawled the way I entered through the tablecloth and noticed he was walking to the back of the cafeteria.

It was a dark room, not enough for him to see me so the only goal at hand was to keep my steps soft and my breathing steady. My body was behind a corner, tensely breathing as he opened a door on the right of me and began to uncrumple the note. Oh my god. My heart dropped at that moment; I was too late.

It didn't matter anymore, I had to bust my cover. My hands felt the dark, cold walls until the rough texture was against my hands. I felt for a doorknob and swung the door open at that moment, creating a large 'CRASH'-ing sound.

The sound of the crash had Sou immediately jolt as he quickly turned to me, stuffing the note into his pocket. "A-Ah, (Name)! Did you find help?!"

The room was extremely dark, as the only thing that lit up the room was the laptop's lock screen and a lamp. My eyebrow rose, "Sou, what are you doing?"

  He tilted his body toward the laptop, "I found this.. it seems to be on low battery though."

  "Did you figure out the password?" I asked, looking at the laptop.

  "That's what I'm trying to figure out... I can't figure out what it'd even be.."

  "How about names of people?" I suggested.

  He typed in everyone's names, their first, full, even their last. Almost everyone, there was only one person's name that he didn't guess. "There's only one person left... Sara."

He typed in her full name, wrong. Then, her full name, wrong. Finally, her last name and we unlocked it. The laptop's sudden brightness hurt my eyes with the white screen welcoming us in. It was a simple laptop with a dark blue background and a few files. One being named 'BACKDOOR.SMUT' Oh. 

  "Hey, how about that one?" I pointed to one of the files, and slowly, it loaded up. Huh, different emails from all different addresses, they all were addressed to the same person as well.

>1st Email: 'As planned, 17 people have been secured. Just in case, is there no error in the date of the Death Game? Everything is proceeding smoothly. '

>2nd Email: 'I feel a deep affection for Miss Sara as well. I will certainly protect her. I am prepared to offer myself up for the Chidouins. '

>3rd Email: 'It's about time. If any harm comes to Sara Chidouin, I will stand against you even as an enemy.'

>4th Email: "Miss Sara is looking forward to the games. Surely her friend will also take part.

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