The Hellfire Club // Chapter 1

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Authors Note: OUR GIRL RUE IS BACK! Prepare for some POV switching! Also, I've not written in about two months, so if this chapter doesn't have the best writing I apologize! AND BEFORE YOU READ THIS CHAPTER GET MAD AT ME, No, I do not intend to write Eddie as a bad person. This is the Eddie that we see at the beginning of season four episode one. The Eddie that we don't know and love yet. His character is going to evolve so much and you'll fall in love with him all over again just like in the series. (Who knows? Maybe he'll make it out but someone else might not.) Oh, and grab some tissues, guys... (I'm sorry in advance)











It was the final day of school before we were finally released for spring break. Mike, Nancy, and I all hopped out of Nancy's car and proceeded to walk into the gym, going our separate ways. Since the basketball championship game was tonight, a pep rally was being held in the gym this morning. And because I'm a cheerleader, I, unfortunately, have to participate in this stupid pep rally. I enjoy cheering, I do, the ballgames are fun and all but pep rallies were just not my thing. It was weird. The whole school watching you and everything, there was just something about it that made me feel so awkward. One of the only things that made me feel better about myself was that my girlfriend would be in the crowd. I loved her more than anybody, and I always would.











After the Pep Rally...

After the pep rally, I took off towards my locker to grab my stuff before my class. Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around.

"Oh hi, stranger."

"Well, hello to you too, stranger," Robin said as she grabbed one of the books out of my hand, covered our faces with it, and kissed me on the cheek. Only a few people knew about us. Steve, Johnathan, all the kids, and Nancy. Only people we trusted. It wasn't that I was ashamed or anything, I mean, let's be real. This girl was the love of my life. Hawkins is just a very homophobic small town and its the eighties. If one person found out, the whole town found out. There was no way around it, that's just how it was. At school, we tried to keep everything private. We mostly spent days after school together unless something came up. The past few weeks have been a bit of a struggle, though. From cheerleading practice and ballgames to Mike begging me to be a Hellfire sub, I hadn't had time. Robin also has band practice and works part-time shifts at Family Video with Steve. I felt bad, though. I felt like like I was putting her second which isn't what I was trying to do. Occasionally I'm a sub in the Hellfire Club when I don't have a basketball game to cheer at and they need an extra person. Robin never liked when I would hang out with Eddie. I don't get why, though. He was a nice guy, he has a great sense of humor and was just a really fun person to be around. I am one of the only people who truly see Eddie for who he is. Eddie is one of my best friends. We don't hang out after school or anything, in school we're very close. The Cheerleader and the Freak. It was an unlikely duo, but we worked. It was hard though. Robin was never pleased when I have to do anything involving Hellfire since he was in it. (Does she see something that I don't?) Tonight wasn't one of those nights, however. They had to find a plan B and use Erica as their substitute since I'm cheering for the championship game tonight.


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