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Night woke up from the horrible dream and sat up, gasping. She then remembered. Im not five anymore. Im fifthteen. I need to get going, she told herself. As she crawled out of her tent, she heard wolves, as they echoes into the night. The sky was purely black, no stars showing. Night kept walking, away from her tent, and stared at the sky.
I dont know why that person decided to murder my own mother... But i will get revenge. No matter how much strength it takes. Night kept on repeating a plan in her head. First bomb the entrance with my grenades, then-
"Who's there? Show yourself!" Night called, as she saw an arrow that hit the tree she was near. The intruder walked out of his hiding place, and smile fiercely at Night.
"Miss me?" the silhouette asked. "Not if you want your head ripped off." Night replied. The newcomer smiled, and pounced at Night. She was too clever for these attack techniques though. She ran around the intruder, and immediately grabbed hin by the neck, keeping him still with a knife to him. "Still want to fight?" Night growled.
The man sighed. "Your strength is getting stronger by the day. Keep it up my dear apprentice." he chuckled. Night let go of his throat, and let him speak. "I thank you, Alexander," she softly answered, "but your not my mentor. But you can stay. I can now see your not a threat... Unless you want more. I will clearly give you what you deserve."
The chuckle turned to insane laughter. "Well then... Lets see how smart you truly are." he swung at Night, knocking her out into darkness.

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