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Night woke up, tangled in many ropes in a deserted room. Heh. Is this a joke?! Humans nowadays... Night smirked. She concentrated, with her powers inside allowing her to free herself. Night stood up, grabbed her weapons, eapecially her pistols, and started walking out of the building. The building was dark. It has a crimson red floor, alnost looked like fresh blood. Night kept walking, slowly and steadily, to find out where the door is.
"Now... Where do you think your going dear?" a voice whispered. Night whipped her head around, only to see Alexander standing in the dark corner. "And what do you want with me? Why am I here?" she growled. "If your trying to kill me, now isnt the time and day. Try to murder someone else."
"You havent changed Night. But you do understand..." he rose his head to show a pair of blazing blood red eyes. "that you wont make it out alive." he chuckled, and ran toward Night with terrifying speed. She tried to dodge, but just made it worse. Alexander ran and slammed Night to a wall. Ngh!!! How does he have this strength?! The only way is if he's a- Alexander disturbed her thoughts, and smiled, the smile that reminded her of her mother's killer.
"So... You still remember what my brother did." he sighed. Huh? What brother? What did he do? Night stared for a long time, not knowing what Alexander was trying to tell her. "Oh... I guess your mother erased your memory, replacing it of when she died." Nights eyes widened, then narrowed in anger. "Dont you DARE say that she did such. She never did, and you know it!!!" she yelled. Alexander smiled. "Well then. You dont remember anything... Damn. I thought the pain you went through would be enough to remember. Oh well."
Night started sweating. What is he planning to do?! Wait. Think, Night, think! Red eyes. Alexander always had purple eyes... Night thought. Then it struck her. Dont tell me he is- she paused with extreme pain in her neck, and then realized.

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