009. (annoying)

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CHAPTER NINE[social media, irl]

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[social media, irl]


a few weeks later the whole group decided they should all go to the mall and then a restaurant to spend the whole day together.

as they arrived the mall, everyone went they're separate ways. nick and ace going to buy some clothes with matt and chris. sophia, rory and flor went into another shop that had only women's clothes. yes, flor would be third wheeling for almost the whole day but she wanted new clothes.

"oh my fucking god, look at this top flor. it would look AMAZING on you" rory told her. picking up the ugliest shirt flor had ever seen in her life. "oh my god yes, it would definitely go with everything you wear" said sophia with the same sarcastic tone. "that's the prettiest shirt i've ever seen rory, thank you for giving it to me. immediately buying it" flor finished the game. they always loved to pick up the ugliest stuff and say it would look good on each other. it my be repetitive, but it was fun.

flor decided on 1 pear of green cargo pants and 3 shirts she absolutely fell in love with. coming across two bracelets with stars charms on them, instantly thinking of matt and buying for them to match. flor had made one for him on 3rd grade but it was just a random, filthy piece of cloth that she had braided and gave it to him as a bracelet. matt still wore it everyday. just like she wore the necklace matt got her for her fifteen birthday.

"what are you looking at flor" said sophia curiously. "nothing, just this bracelets that i thought i could buy to match with matt" flor shrugged. "hmmm that reminds me of something i've been meaning to ask you" she told flor. "what is it" flor asked her.

"is there something going on with matt?" sophia asked her. "what, no why would you think that" flor said genuinely confused. "seriously? we've seen they way you two look at each other, and your always having physical touch of any form" rory told her. "so? he's my best friend, that's what normal best friends do" flor told them. "are you sure? maybe you like matt?" rory suggested. "pfffttt- me? like matt? no way, like i said before, we're best friends" flor told them, there is no way she could like him. is there? she bought the bracelets anyways, missing the way sophia and rory gave each other a knowing look.

after buying all they needed, and wanted, they reunited with the boys and decided to go to this new italian restaurant that has opened near sophia and ace's house, that way they just went to their house when they were done.

they were seated at the table with sophia, rory, chris on one side and nick, matt, flor and ace on the other. madi usually sat next to chris, but given the fact that they weren't in la right now she wasn't with them.

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