024. (pretty when you cry)

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"pretty when you cry"
TW: abusive parents

matt hasn't seen flor in like 5 days and he missed her. he's seen that she's been kind of distant and dry with everyone in the friend group, so he was starting to get worried. at first he left her be. if something was really bothering her, she would reach out to him right? so matt figured she just needed some alone time. but then she kept getting more and more detached from everyone. that's when he started worrying more. so he decided to surprise her.

matt had planned everything out. he bought all of flor's favorite snacks, a stuffed animal - matt knew she loved those, and some flowers. he knew flor was probably not having a great time right now and he wanted to change that. he loved her and he wanted the best for her so why not take her out on a date? have some alone time and comfort her as much as she needs to be comforted.

matt was now on his way to her house, a bag full of stuff in one hand and a bouquet of purple lilacs, flor's favorite flower. he got out of the car, a small smile on his face because he was finally going to see his beautiful girlfriend after almost a whole week.

that was until he heard some commotion. his smile fading away quickly as he recognized someones scream as flor's. hurriedly leaving and dropping everything next to the van, making his way to the door. matt saw that the door wasn't locked and opened it as he hastily twisted the handle. his face dropping even more at the sight of her mom punching her across the face, blood dropping out of her nose almost immediately.

"what the fuck is wrong with you" he spoke up, both of their heads turning his way. "matt.." flor stuttered out. "what are you doing here" he heard flor's mom ask, matt wasn't paying attention though. he couldn't take his eyes of flor. how sad and fragile she looked, like if he slightly touched her with the point of his finger she would break at any given moment. like she was some kind of old sculpture that if he accidentally got to near of, it would crumble in a million pieces. how her eye was slightly bruised and she had a cut on her upper lip, not recent but not old either.

"how could you do this to her" he asked, finally turning his head towards her mom. nothing but anger in his stare, eyes slightly brimming with tears. "she deserves it" she shrugged, like it was obvious. "no she doesn't, she deserves every single good thing in the fucking world. not this" he shook his head, shocked at the fact that she actually thought so low of her own daughter. someone she used to love so easily before her father left and before she got addicted and alcohol had her wrapped around its finger.

SCARY LOVE - matt sturniolo Where stories live. Discover now