028. (party)

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CHAPTER TWENTY EIGHTirl, social media

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irl, social media



halloween is coming up, flor and ace have been very down lately so the triplets thought that there was nothing better other than going back to la and have an early costume party with their friends.

(yes i skipped the triplets bday, they turned 19. i have no ideas and i love fall and halloween so you'll have to read this)

"ok guys wake up. pack your bags" chris barged into nick's room and screamed to flor and ace that were watching a random movie. "what?" she asked confusedly. "we're going to la" chris replied. ace immediately stood up. "what did you just say" he said, eyes wide and his jaw on the floor. "i said, we're going to l-"

"no yeah i heard that, i mean. what the fuck. why? since when? what?" ace ranted fast. "woah there calm down ace. flight is tonight so, pack your bags. make sure to pack a halloween costume because were having a party" chris said before turning to walk away from the room. "a party? but i don't want to party" flor groaned from the bed loudly exclaiming her complaints. "we already knew you would say that love. unfortunately, there is no choice so come here and start packing. i'll help you" matt screamed from his room next door and flor got up with a frown on her face and walked towards her and matt's room.

"so i have to pack normal clothes and i have to choose a costume?" flor complained once again. "babe, stop complaining you had to get up at some point. you can't just stay in bed all day whenever you're upset" matt hugged her waist from behind and put his chin on her head after kissing it softly. "but the only thing i want to do is lay in bed all day" she turned around to look back at him. "we'll that's gonna have to change because you have a halloween costume to choose" he pecked her lips quickly and pulled away to get flor's suitcase.

"wait. we have to match matt. we can't not match" flor gasped. "i already have a costume, i planned we we would match for the second party. the one that's actually on halloween" he sighed. "unless you want to dress as a cowgirl" matt stared at her, predicting her reaction when flor fake gagged at her boyfriend's suggestion. "no fucking way, dressing as a cowgirl is the most basic ass thing i've ever seen. it's like those awful tiktok costume ideas" flor faked her disgust and started looking through her and matt's clothes for something to use as a costume.

"maybe for the second party we can match as nemo and darla matt. i saw this picture on pinterest and i think it's a pretty good idea" flor said after putting some clothes away. "hm i don't know flor. maybe we could be something more, pretty, i think" matt answered, questioning his girlfriend's thoughts. "what do you mean it's not pretty? you would look amazing as darla matt" flor put a hand on her chest as if she was offended. "and why do i have to be darla" matt complained. "it suits you more than me" flor told him. "oh shut up, you know you're lying"
"you shut up matt. we both know you would look amazing as darla" flor said back and their talking faded and was replaced with their giggles while they packed.

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