Skel's backstory

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Y'all already knew his backstory


You don't know how it happened

Let's just say it's a reference in Kanao's backstory

Either ways ima write Skel's backstory


Skel's mom: You piece of shit!

Stray: Mom, stop hitting lil brother!

Skel's mom: SHUT UP! *pushes Stray away* 


Skeleton: ...

Stray: Uh, Marrow, I don't know if this is good to say,'s sending me to a 'boarding' school

Skeleton: Why?

Stray: I'll find you when I finish school eventually, okay?

Skeleton: *nods*

Stray: *he's too young to understand...*

(Reminder Skel is only 5 years old and Stray is 9)

A few weeks later

Skel's mom: You know what, I'm tired of you! I might as well just sell you away!

Skeleton: What...?

Skel's mom: *throws him out of the house* let's just hope someone will be kind enough to adopt you 🙄

Skeleton: *I miss you...big brother...*

1 day later, someone, less abusive then Skel's mom, bought him, planning to let his pet dog devour his bones

But he was thankfully spared by two kind crewmates...

Skeleton: *Walking around*

Mysterious crewmate: Hey, can I talk to him for a minute?

Guy: ...whatever kid.

(I'm gonna just call him Guy cuz I dunno what to call him)

Player: Hey kid! I'm Simon Schmidt, best to be called Player, and the person beside me is Hunter Bourgeois, best to be called Hunter! What's your name?

Skeleton: ...

Skeleton: Marrow...

Player: Nice name!

Guy: Are you done yet?

Player: Sir, I'm just talking friendly with him, can you give us some time?

Guy: NO! If you want to talk to him, PAY UP!

Player: *looks at Hunter*

Hunter: Fine, we'll purchase him.

Hunter: Would this be enough?

Hunter: *yeets a bunch of notes and coins at the man*

Guy: *stunned* WhAt?! 

Hunter: *grabs Skeleton and run*

Player: Are you sure about this?!

Hunter: Yep!

Player: Alright then!


Jelly:'re saying, you bought a kid...AS CHILDREN?!

Hunter: My father's the mayor after all.

Player: He's not wrong, Jelly.

Crainer: I mean, why are we even arguing? This guy's adorable!

Jelly: I agree!

2 years later

Crainer: Y'know...

Jelly: Hm?

Crainer: Don't you think Marrow needs to go school by chance?

Jelly: He does, I tried signing up for all the schools I could find, but, none of them would accept him since he's not a crewmate or a human being 

Slogo: But I found one school!

Crainer and Jelly: Really?

Slogo: It's called Monster School, school for minecraft mobs and creepypastas!

Jelly: Did you sign him up?

Slogo: Sure I did, and he got accepted!

Crainer: Oh Marrow! We got a surprise for you!

Skeleton: What is it...?

Slogo: You're going to school!

Skeleton: ...what? Really?

Jelly: Yep, I'll send you there tomorrow 

The next day

Jelly: You ready for school?

Skeleton: Yeah, I hope no one will be mean or rude to me

Jelly: Don't worry, they won't! All of them are friendly!

Jelly: Alright, we're here! 

Skeleton: ...

Skeleton: Will I see you again?

Jelly: ...

Jelly: In the near future, hopefully

Skeleton: Promise?

Jelly: *awe he's so cute*

Jelly: Promise

Skeleton: *Walks in the classroom*

Skeleton: Hey...

Herobrine: Oh hello! You're the new student?

Skeleton: Yeah...

A mob: Wait... Marrow...

Skeleton: How did you know my name...?

A mob: It's me... your older brother

Skeleton: *eyes widened* ...big brother...?

Stray: Come on, don't stand there, give me a hug

Skeleton: YES! *le hug him*

Herobrine: Oh...that's your sibling you're talking about?

Stray: Yep

Jelly, looking from the window: Ah, would you look at that, he reunited with someone he knows

Crainer: Someone he knows perhaps

Slogo: Maybe his brother? They don't look alike though...

(they're calling by Jelly's phone btw)

Jelly: Eh whatever, I rest my case, Imma head back to you guys

Yay that was it

Hopefully that wasn't sad for you

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