Chapter 3: The Palace Messenger and the Waving Children

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By all accounts, manual creation of gold in Venland was rather unheard of and fell into the category of forbidden knowledge.

"Why are you sorry for something that could possibly change the world?" Strangely, the man who banged the door straightened his words and situated himself on a table square although he did not fully fit on the seat.

The crowd inside the inn circled around the man and finally diverted their eyes from me. Despite how childish the man had been as he hammered the closed door with his buffed arms, his sober state was rather authoritative and principled.

"I can't possibly fix this," I confessed.

Still sitting on the bathroom floor, I rummaged my eyes around the expanse. The golden wall stretched all over the bathroom. It was smooth and bright like honey basking in the summer sunlight. It was glowing but nothing like neon. Instead, it was more of a natural radiance and a sweet sparkle of a malleable jewel.

"You don't have to," he began, "if anything, you are a legend. No one has ever created a gold piece with their magic, let alone a golden wall."

"He's correct," the woman inn owner seconded. "This is rather peculiar."

The woman ran a touch upon the greatness of the gold reflecting on her lemon-shaded eyes. She observed and scrutinised every inch of the expanse and her eyes glimmered every time her finger jumped to another inch.

Little Shauna's eyes glowed as though she had finally seen a treasure box full of diamond jewelleries and brimmed with gold coins.

"I agree. This is indeed peculiar..." The man stroked his beard. "One's use of magic is based on how great one imagines it. However, manual creation of gold and diamond and ores from the monster's loot and other expensive jewels has never been feasible until now. This is because however you imagine the gold formation, if you are unknowledgeable about how it is formed, you could not possibly create a gold or diamond nugget solely from magic. And such knowledge has never been reached even by the scholars of academia. I thus agree. This case is rather peculiar."

I swallowed the lump forming in my throat.

The man was surprisingly well-versed about the nature of this world. I thought he was only a drunkard who always drowns himself in beers and wine until dusk enveloped the day. Yet I was wrong. The man was exceptionally familiar with these and that of Venland and the other bulk of men attentively listened to every word that slipped from his tongue.

"That can't be. High Priests can surely create gold pieces with their magic. After all, nothing is higher than divinity. Such a thing is only a piece of cake to them," I argued under my breath.

As I was about to situate myself and be on my feet, a gust of wind from nowhere infiltrated the vastness of my face and my hair momentarily went berserk. A pale hand of a familiar figure then stretched on my reach and offered me help to rise. I lost balance fairly a moment ago and had never thought of standing after the intent stares of people inside the inn penetrated my skin and took me aback.

His milky white sophisticated coat that expanded to the ground lightly descended like a feather as he appeared so suddenly from the line of my sight.

He was that young man my age I saw in the Guildmaster's Office following the bald man the Guildmaster referred as Duke.

Has he always been here? I kind of did not notice!

I clutched his long slim fingers and cast my head upward. Our eyes met again. It was enchanting and I was succumbed by his deep, deep midnight blue orbs. Eyes are windows to one's soul, but he is rather soulless. And once more, I could not penetrate through his pane.

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