Chapter 6: Let the Feeding Frenzy Commence!

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"Von palreda ui Quistera X'lesion!" Don Altec started.

Welcome to Adventurer Selection!

The crowd erupted in cheers after the echo of Don Altec's voice cornered our ears. It was deafening, a cacophony of clamours from a thousand adventurers inside the palace's gigantic and elegant hall. All heads were upcast, eyeing Don Altec's mighty figure standing above the ten-metre elevation of the stage enough for one person.

Don Altec cleared his throat.

"Esteemed adventurers of the Kingdom of Argus..." Don Altec called, "It is with great concern and urgency that I address you today. As you have all heard, our three beloved princesses are currently in a dire and precarious situation. Their safety is paramount, and it is imperative that we act swiftly and decisively to ensure their rescue."

"So it is true, our three beloved princesses are really missing," a guy in a clown outfit beside me whispered, initiating a conversation I deemed unworthy of responding.

I remained silent and focused my attention on Don Altec.

Don Altec continued, "this is not a mere clearing of a dungeon, adventurers. This is a search and rescue mission that requires the utmost bravery, skill, and determination. I am aware that each and every one of you is a dependable and trustworthy member of this Kingdom, but the question remains: are you willing to put your lives on the line for the sake of our princesses?"

The clown guy scoffed.

His oversized shoes squeaked as he breathed a combination of high-pitched giggles, snorts, and guffaws that seemed to start as a deep rumble on his chest.

"This King makes me laugh." The clown guy bounced around with child-like enthusiasm, gestured wildly and pulled a silly face with a red nose and painted face animated with constant grin. "Who would risk their life for dumb royals? Of course everyone is only here for the bounty!"

I remained silent again.

Don Altec spoke again, "as your King, I cannot take this matter lightly. Thus, I shall take charge and regulate the selection of the adventurers who will embark on this perilous journey. It is my solemn duty to ensure that only the most qualified and capable individuals are chosen for this mission. Further, it has come to my attention that there may be some among you who believe that the resolution of our current conflict will be determined through a Mortal Duel. I must make it clear that this assumption is incorrect. Instead, I have devised a test that will involve all of you in a highly competitive and perilous endeavour - a Feeding Frenzy."

My heart skipped a beat.

Murmurs began to sprout in their mouths. The guy in a paper white coat and the lady with rich emerald hair standing in front of me were frozen to their feet, staring at each other like they had seen a ghost.

"Feeding Frenzy?"

"What does that mean?"

Even the clown guy beside me halted his bouncing and his painted face began to shrink in seriousness.

Don Altec then cleared, "I must make it abundantly clear that the competition to determine the chosen adventurers to proceed beyond this hall will be fierce and unforgiving. The task at hand requires a significant reduction in the number of adventurers present within this space, and the only means by which this can be accomplished is through the act of killing."



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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