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As Taehyung and Yn enter in class the class starts cheering for them to which they reply by smiling and taking their place side by side .

??? POV
After seeing my love with someone else I want to kill that bitch.
??: I want you to do anything with her , get false photographs and accuse her but do something I want her away from Taehyung .

??: But what can I do  Ji-eun

Ji-eun : do anything , anything means anything kill her ,force her , use her but I want my Taehyung ........... Wait you like  Yn right

??: Yeah , right soo

IU : don't be senseless KAI , impress her make her fall for you .

KAI: do you think she will fall for me and besides I hate that kid ...what's her name ....Ya Thea


Kai was going when he sees you both kissing he feels very angry and decides to do something .

After leaving from there he calls someone

KAI: Hello , ya  Mike I need your help in making fake photographs

MIKE: of course bro just send me the person you want to be in  the photograph and I will do it .

That's it for today and sorry for a short episode , from now I will try to write daily as in a month or so my final exams will start and I will at least take a break of 10- 15 or more days so I want to cover it all up 

And now ppplllllsssssssss VOTE


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