Chapter 7 🔮🌙

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"Wake up my dearest knight.." Said the fainth voice.

It was about 5:00 am, kenny was already awake and got himself readied up for the day. He walked up to the sleeping guard, he was sleeping so peacefully, looked like he hasn't slept this nice in decades. Kenny then leans down and gave the guard a small smile before shaking him lightly.

"Wake up my dearest knight.." Kenny whispered softly.

"Ugh.. five more minutes.." Craig answered still unable to pull himself together.

Kenny giggled quietly and sighed, the Princess shaked him lightly the second time.

"Come on wake up already, we have a lot to do today.." kenny said still keeping himself in a whisper.

Craig opened his eyes slowly, he was then greeted by the Princess. He sat up quickly.

"Ah!- goodmorning Princess.., i didn't know it was you i am really sorry.." Craig apologized.

"It's fine, i mean you did look like you were having a good dream." Said kenny.

Craig signed, he was luck that the Princess was kind to him, if he wasn't then he'd probably be in trouble for saying that..

"Anyways, you should get ready already,  I've already got your clothes ready!" Kenny said while standing up.

Craig got up and excused himself to the bathroom.

☆after getting ready☆

Craig looked himself in the mirror.

"Hey Princess, are you alright with me wearing this?" Craig asked.

"Ofcourse!" Kenny answered while smiling widely.

How nice is the Princess really? I mean yeah, he can be a little talkative and drags you along to do his nonsense but he's also really nice, and he cares about others. not to mention the fact that children and adults love him.

"Come on let's go eat breakfast already!"

Kenny took Craig's hands and dragged him downstairs.

Craig's mouth was already watering from the delicious smell of was nice...

~To be continued..


Yay!! Im back and i can finally update the stories.

Its really happy to be back again and make more chapters and stories!!

Also thankyou for being understanding to be school situations, i have a lot of things to do right now like presentations and projects. Our school also plans on going to an educational field trip in April (somewhere in that time of the month) so im really glad to finally update again!!

I'll probably make more crenny stories so just stay tuned for those!

Anyways, have a nice day/night everyone ♥︎♥︎

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