Part Two: The Chunin Exams I

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Rin was always the first to arrive whenever the team was called together for a meeting; it was a change from the life before she died, when Kakashi was such a stickler for the rules, including punctuality. She straightened her pale purple, shuriken patterned short dress, straightened her belt, re-tied the tie of her dress, tugged down her mesh shorts underneath, and sighed impatiently.

At least the weather was nice, she mused. Minato-sensei had called for their team to meet at a bridge by the edge of the village, the place they had been meeting for the last year and a few months when they were getting ready for missions. 

Rin looked up to the sky. The last few months had been incredibly busy. Their team was not only being assigned missions of increasing difficulty, but they were also being requested for important guard missions for resupplying the shinobi at the front, or close to it, and the medical units. They were barely in the village for more than two weeks at a time. It was a big change from the way things had been before.

She heard footsteps on the bridge and looked over to see Kakashi arriving, head stuck in another book.

"Yo," he greeted her without looking away from the page.

"Hey Kakashi, what are you reading?" Rin asked.

He hummed. "Jiraiya-sensei's new book," he replied. "'Tales of an Utterly Gutsy Shinobi.'"

Rin furrowed her brow. "That's a mouthful."

He hummed again, and Rin pursed her lips in annoyance. He wasn't in the mood to talk.

"Where's Minato-sensei?" Kakashi asked after a few minutes of comfortable silence.

He leaned back on the railing of the bridge and Rin shrugged.

"I'm not sure." She glanced at her watch and frowned. "He's late."

Kakashi hummed again, but this time it sounded concerned. Minato-sensei was rarely late.

When Obito arrived before Minato-sensei, she and Kakashi glanced at each other with matching frowns.

"Where's Minato-sensei?" Obito asked, wiping the sweat from his brow.

It was a small action, just raising his arm, but Rin couldn't help but notice how much Obito had grown in the last two years. Kakashi had grown as well, but Obito's growth was more noticeable, mostly because out of the three of them, he'd changed the most from their past lives. 

He didn't wear the blue jacket and pants he'd worn before, and his goggles had been discarded almost immediately upon their arrival to their new life. He dressed more similarly to the majority of his clan these days. His t-shirt was black and high-necked with his clan symbol on the back, with black plants, and wrappings around ankles.

Kakashi was dressed almost the same as he used to be, with a navy t-shirt that had stripes down the sleeves, forearm guards, and his brown belt crossed over his chest and father's chakra saber at him back. Sometimes the ways he embraced their childhood again confused Rin.

"Late," Kakashi answered Obito. "Obviously."

"Huh." Obito scratched the back of his head. "Weird."

"Should we look for him?" Rin asked.

"Nah," Obito replied. "Minato-sensei is too awesome to die in the village..." he trailed off after realising what he said.

Kakashi smacked him on the back, hard enough that Obito stumbled forwards a step.

"Nice, Obito."

Obito shook his head. "You know what I mean," he murmured.

Rin gave him a smile. "Well, I guess you're right. He's probably been detained by the Hokage or something important."

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