[1] It's Almost Over

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I tapped my finger against the wooden desk. The clock read 1:24.
Couldn't the day have gone any faster?
It was the last day of school and our class had been given the later release because of our behavior.
I pouted as I glanced behind my shoulder to look at my bestie, Margaret, who was sighing every second.
I intensified my pout, which made Margaret laugh. Pretty loudly.
I turned my eyes forward and was met with Miss Groove's cold, blue eyes.
"Miss Wekin!" she hissed.
"Miss Groove." Margaret replied, mimicking her tone.
"Don't you dare think," Miss Groove began as she trotted towards Margaret and her heels clacked with each step, "that even on the last day of school, for a second-I will let you slack off."
Miss Groove grabbed a post-it note from her lousy fanny pack, scribbled a message, then handed it to Margaret.
Margaret yanked the slip from Miss Groove's hand, then stormed out of the room.
Right before she slammed the door in a dramatic manner, she winked at me. Damn, she's a good actor.
That basically was her way of saying "Come meet me in the girls' bathroom ASAP".
I planned my escape perfectly, quick and clean. As I sat through a boring 3 minutes, waiting to strike without seeming suspicious, I stared out the window.
"Miss Groove?"
My hand was up in the air, a tight smile on my face.
"Yes, Miss Leverre?"
I hated how she referred to Margaret and I with a 'Miss'.
"Ca-May I use the restroom?" I asked pleadingly.
Miss Groove looked me up and down, as if she were waiting for me to say something stupid and rude, as usual. It wouldn't be today.
"OK." Miss Groove said as she handed me the pass.
"Be back in 3 minutes."
"Of course."
Yeah right.
I calmy walked to the door, my hair swaying side to side.
As I was about to close the door, entering the free realm, I glanced at the classroom.
I looked through the bored, dead eyes of my classmates. I pitied them.
Once I was in the hallway, I took a big gulp of air. I was free.
I started towards the opposite direction of the restroom. The hallways were dark, streaks of warm sunlight shone through the windows.
Each classroom I passed was empty. Lucky jerks.
I paused in the long corridor connecting the two school buildings, and looked through the window.
Giant trees towered over the "school square", which was where a lot of students spent their free time and lunch. More streaks of light shone through the trees. I noticed the calm breeze pushing the leaves.
It looked awesome. I needed to get out there. Like, immediately.
So I did what any sensible person would never do. I opened the window,climbed out, and sat open-legged on the window rim.
A large branch was very close, so I swung my leg around it, then pushed the rest of my body forward. I loosened my leg's grip until both my legs dangled beneath me.
I clasped the branch tightly as the breeze blew past me, with sudden force.
"I'm free, at last!" I said dramatically.
I kept struggling until I was resting againstly the stem of the tree, my hands behind my head and my legs crossed.
"Please! "
Curious, I glanced down from where the voice came from.
The scene wasn't too special, a crying girl begging a boy to date her.
I leaned in a bit closer, looking at the faces.
Surprised, I saw our legendary class president, Lucas Worth, a charming, respectable lady-killer with a perfect record and Jessica Sione, chic volleyball captain with a pretty face.
"Why can't you?!" Jessica wailed pathetically.
"I'm sorry, Jessica." Lucas said soothingly.
Pouting, Jessica stormed off before anything other words were exchanged.
Even so, I observed further, as the class president pulled out a small notebook from his jacket's breast pocket, smirking.
He scribbles something in it, a malacious smile on his face.
"Oh, sweet girls, you're all too easy."
I was dumbfounded. So the class president mocked and kept record of all the girls who liked him.
Out of impulse I grabbed a rock on the branch of the tree, and shot it towards Lucas. Two-faced jerk.
"What the-"
Lucas looked up. As our eyes met his face went pale. He was caught red-handed in his naughty affairs.
I took his moment of shock as an opportunity to jump down from the tree branch.
Once I Ianded on the floor, I looked at him sinisterly, as if he were my prey.
"Mister perfect ain't so perfect after all, huh?" I jeered.
He quickly recollected himself, and smiled, a row of straight, white teeth showing.
"Okay, okay, you got me, Leverre." He said cooly.
I stood my ground as he advanced calmy.
"But you'll have to keep it secret," he began eyeing me seductively, "no one needs to find out, right?"
"I think Jessica does," I retorted, "I mean, what's stopping her from tainting your spick-and-clean record?"
Lucas clenched his jaw. As long as I played my keys right, I'd have him in the palm of my hand to do my dirty work.
"What do you want?!" he hissed.
I smirked, then tugged on his tie.
"I want you to find me a boyfriend," I whispered, "or be my boyfriend."

|[Author's Notes ]|
Yo! another story!
so this is my newest story, which I'm planning to put a lot more effort in and update more regularly than my others :-) please vote, comment, share, whatever! ✌
hugs 'n stuff

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