The Grangers

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When Harry finally came back, he had found a place for us to stay. With the Grangers, Emma and Hermione. They were accepting of queer people because, shocker, they were decent people. They were both magical, like Harry and me. Or at least Harry.

I got my Hogwarts letter on July 31. We would have been twins if Harry had not been a year earlier than me. When it finally came, we were almost at Diagon Alley. Harry knew where to go and what to do, and it was very helpful.

"Ah, is this is your sister, Mr. Potter?" A man named Ollivander asked.
"No, I'm his sibling. Not sister." He didn't seem to get it. "I'm non-binary. I go by they/them pronouns."
"Oh, I see. Siblings then."

I walked out of the store with a pine wand and a happier heart. Maybe things would be better in the Wizarding world.

"Watch it girl!"

Or maybe not.

Kat, Not KatherineWhere stories live. Discover now