6| Blanca's Miscarriage

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Today, I hope for absolutely nothing but death when he finds out about the terrible scene that just happened. When the scene replayed in my head over and over again, especially with the victim still weeping bitterly in reality, my heart pounded in fear.

I know this is a misunderstanding. I didn’t do it. I didn’t push Blanca. Luciana did. Both her and Blanca and Jenner have been cooking my matter for decades now, since am no longer a member of this union.

The thought of running away from their midst hit my head and I decided to pick the offer but I don’t think I was fast enough.

Yeah, Jenner held me tight from behind. She yelled heavily in my ears, saying I’ll go no where not with what I’ve just done.

As I try to beg her, Luciana took advantage of the situation by calling her son, Dawson.

I clearly remember that I just left his office not even up to an hour ago and rushed to his parents place only to seek revenge on my enemy.

Things bursted. Now, am getting screwed.

My eyes went up and down. What can I do at this moment? I’m still here pleading with Jenner and Luciana since it’s too hard for Luciana to admit her mistake.

I can’t go to prison. I don’t want to. And my parents? How would they react to this if they finds out?

Oh God, I don’t want to go down there right now. I hope somebody spare me a little bit of sympathy.

I hoped.

Not even up to an hour, the man of the victim arrived. Dawson is not putting on a smile but the opposite of smile. If you call it sad, I’ll say Mad.

The expression I saw him wearing at me in the office few hours ago was not even up to this one he’s wearing now.

Right now, his eyes are furiously dark with deadly auras around him. His jaw and teeth clenched tightly as he glares at me, moreover his fist flexed and his muscles too.

I only gulped. Worst comes to worst, he won’t spare my life.

The next thing I saw in the next fucking minutes, was him handling me over to the cops.

“Dawson, listen to me, it’s not me, it wasn’t my fault. They planned this up for me. They set me up.” I try to defend myself even when the cops threatened me to remain silent as they handcuff me.

“Have’nt you said enough already when you came to my office an hour ago?” He snapped at me, kneeling on one knee beside devastated Blanca. “Officers, I don’t have to teach you your job. This woman killed my unborn baby, she has to face the penalty.” He stated with an irritated tone.

I still won’t put the blame on him. He is oblivious of what’s happening.

The cops handcuffed me and pulled me with them, “Move.”

“One more, please.” I begged the officers. I have something to tell Dawson even if I had promised myself not to. “Dawson, hear me out this one last time. I want to tell you something important in private.”

The whole place turned into silent, except for Blanca who’s still sobbing in deep pains.

Though Dawson still had hatred eyes towards me, I can still see that but I don’t mind. “Please…” I asked again in a low tone like am gonna cry.

I thought he was going to come over but….I was wrong. “Officers, do you want me to phone the DPO?” He threatened them. “Do your fucking job for my wife’s miscarriage sake.”

The cops feared as they began to push me out the door.

I’ve never being to the police station, custody or prison yard before. And today, I’m taking a long tour for only God knows how long.

I pity for my poor innocent parents who doesn’t know what’s happening right now. I’d know they’ll get a call from an anonymous person who’d tell them about this Chaos.

I turn my head back at the Anderson’s as the cops took me away. I glance at Dawson one more time and my enemy Blanca.

For how long would this continue? She stole something from me, and yet, still punished me. Just take a good look at the way Dawson is caring so much for her.

Is it because she’s in a terrible state? Or because he loves her?

Is that true love, infact? Would they really end up living together forever? He doesn’t even give a shit bout me. I just look like a piece of shit to him. I’m super irritated to him that he hates me so much.

Not just him. All of his family too.

As the cops gesture me into the back seat of the van, I saw Dawson’s father, Mr. Arthur Anderson, coming out of his car and rushing into the mansion. His brothers and brothers sons arrived too and they followed his tracks.

I wonder if Blanca managed to bewitch all of them. See them worried over her like she was carrying the messiah of the family.

Though she’s no longer my friend for what she did to me, I still pity for her. A miscarriage? How does it feel like when one experience it?

Oh, and that made me come back to my thought of pregnancy. This was specifically something I wanted to tell Dawson in private even if he’d had pardon me of the arrest.

I hope he comes over to the station to see me, so I can tell him. But for now, I know I’ll be behind bars. Maybe not forever after being accused of killing an innocent baby?

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