Mac & Cheese

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I scratched the side of my head as I looked down at the food table in front of me, there was a lot of options but the options didn't look like they had much flavour if you know what I mean
"Happy birthday baby girl." Grace spoke as she pulled me into a side hug, kissing the side of my head "Where should I put my mac and cheese?" She questioned as she held up the dish causing mine and Spencer's eyes to snap behind us

"Uhh, probably by the mac and cheese truck." Spencer smirked causing Grace's face to drop
"No you will not. I will take that and what I don't eat Jordan will." I smiled as I took the dish from her hands "I will?" He questioned as he turned to me confused "This is the best mac and cheese you people could only dream to make boy." I patted his back before leading him into the kitchen "Is it actually that good?"

Instead of answering his question I shoved I forkful into his mouth causing his eyes to widen "Oh my god, that's delicious." He hummed as he took my fork, continuing to eat more which caused me to smile as I proped myself onto the counter next to him, causing him to quickly move so he was standing between my legs

"Ah ah ah, your mom or dad or literally anyone could come in at any moment." I spoke as I quickly pushed him away causing him to give me a look "Everyone besides our parents knew we liked each other anyways." He shrugged before he copied me and shoved a forkful of mac and cheese into my mouth

"I haven't even told Olivia yet and I don't want your parents to like freak out or something. I doubt they'd let us live under the same roof if they knew what we were doing." I explained after swallowing the food "Well no one should know what we're doing." He joked as I smirk crossed his lips "Y'all just doin it on the kitchen counter now?" The familiar voice made us quickly pull away

"Coop why you always popping up at the worst times?" I playfully rolled my eyes before jumping off the counter and pulling her in for a hug "Happy birthday sis." She mumbled into my shoulder before pulling away "Also just be lucky Spencer didn't invite anyone else from Crenshaw. I can not sit through baby face and Chris again." She joked causing me to nod in agreement
"Jealous boys." I shook my head before grabbing coop a fork, letting her also dig into the good mac and cheese

"I mean hey I get it." She held her hands up in defence causing my eyes to widen as jordan choked on his food "Sorry what?" He questioned causing coop to chuckle "My bad, my bad." She spoke before shoving more food into her mouth, making Jordan fully turn to me "What? I have an experimental phase in 8th grade." I shrugged

"You know Shawn's pretty offended that he didn't get an invite." Coops loud mouth continued causing me to face palm "Can you go find Spencer please?" I snapped but in a sorta chill tone causing her to shrug before walking off
"Who's Shawn?" Jordan questioned as he stopped eating the mac and cheese "Just an old friend. He was the fourth person to our trio." I explained earning a nod from him "Is he one of the ones you were with the other day when you blew me off?"

At the mention of the situation I sighed and rolled my eyes "No he wasn't. This is my birthday can we just have fun? Let's play the boys in a game of janga or something." I suggested as I put the lid back on Grace's dish before throwing my fork into the kitchen sink, grabbing Jordan's hand and leading him outside

"Who's that?" I questioned as I nodded towards the old dude Spencer was talking to, I've never seen him before "That's... my grandpa." Jordan sighed causing me to stop in my tracks for a moment "Okay you're telling me all about that later." I stated as I pointed a finger at him
"Do you want to meet him?" He questioned as he started pulling me towards the older man before I could even answer the question

"I thought y'all didn't speak." I overheard Spencer's voice as we got closer, obviously talking about Billy "Jordan come here for a second!" Billy called out, gesturing for him and Olivia to join him "Go." I nodded as he gave me a questioning look before I continued to talk towards Spencer "We haven't in a long time. Not since he married Laura. If only he could've held onto your mom." Willie sighed causing my eyes to widen, Wait what?

You know what? That janga game does sound a lot more fun now, taking a sharp turn I quickly walked away from that situation and into the backyard "Partners?" I questioned as I turned to Asher "We make a good team." Asher nodded as JJ called for some random girl to join his team

"It's gonna fall watch out." JJ taunted as I Shakingly removed a block from the tower "Just focused you got this." Asher reassured me as I placed the block on top of the tower before throwing my hands up and high-fiving Asher

"Oh your phones ringing." Asher pointed out as he picked up my phone from me "Rehab clinic?" He questioned as I quickly snatched my phone before running back inside, quickly clicking the green button "Happy birthday Baby girl!" My mom cheered threw the phone catching me off guard, I've never heard her have so much energy in the last 11 years she's normal so quiet and depressing

"Thank you mom, how are you doing?" I questioned as I entered my bedroom, taking a seat on my bed "31 days clean baybee." She cheered again causing a huge smile to spread across my face "I'm glad." I replied as I leaned back onto my bed, it was weird not having my mom here for my birthday even if she wasn't even best but I'm just glad she's getting better

"So what's new? What did I miss?" She questioned through the phone "Uh, I have a boyfriend. Billy's son." I pointed out causing her to gasp loudly "Is he as cute as Billy was growing up?" She joked through the phone making me laugh while I shook my head "And Corey's in town." I admitted causing silence to quickly come over us "Did... did you see him?" She questioned, her tone not cheerful anymore which made me feel guilty

"No, it's just his teams playing here. You know Corey, he don't reach out." I sadly shrugged my shoulders even though she couldn't see me
"Yeah I know.... Listen I have to go it's almost time for a meeting but I'll call you again as soon as I can okay?" Her tone, going a little more happy "Okay yeah. I love you." We said our goodbyes before she hung up

I decided to head back down stairs despite the yelling I was hearing and to my surprise it sounded like my brother which was shocking. As I made it half way through the steps I watched as he reached for the handle "Where are you going?" I questioned as I placed a hand on my hip "I got a game to see." He replied before walking out of the house

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