Pull out game, flirting game

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"I didn't know you were back

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"I didn't know you were back." Billy's voice made me sigh as I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge "I'm just here to get ready with the girls." I explained as I slowly turned to face him, closing the refrigerator door behind me "I just wanted to let you know that I'm telling Laura.. today." He admitted "That's good." I nodded before trying to walk away "Angel." I stopped in my tracks and turned back to face him "Do you hate me?" He questioned which made my heart drop "No Billy. After everything you've done for me and my family, I can't hate you. But I really don't like you right now." I confessed as we stared at each other

"I'm sorry for being the reason Corey left. And I'm sorry for putting you in the middle of this." He apologized which made me slowly nod
"You're like my daughter just like Spencer is my son and you guys are very important yo me-" I could tell where this was going "Once you tell your family, I'll start to forgive you. But it's going to be hard. Not only did you hurt me and Spencer and Dylan but you also hurt the guy I love most in this world, my best friend and the woman I look at as another mother." I explained before the sound of heels walking towards us made us fall quiet "Hi sweetie, I didn't know you were over." Laura smiled as she pulled me in for a quick hug "I should get back to the others." I gave her my best fake smile before walking back upstairs

"Brb." I mumbled as I grabbed my dresses from Olivia's room before heading towards the bathroom that connected to hers and Jordan's room. I pulled my brown dress on that had a few slits across the stomach. My eyes glanced to my second option which was a plain white dress that tied around my neck, I grabbed that one into my hands before walking into Jordan's room
"Option 1 or option 2?" I questioned as I gestured to myself then to the other dress in my hand

His eyes widened and his mouth slightly parted as he looked up from his phone "Wow." He breathed out as I smiled and walked closer to him so I was now standing right in front of him while he looked up at me from sitting on his bed
"Option 3." He responded which made me crease my brows "What's option 3?" I questioned before a smirk spread across his lips "Neither." He breathed out as he pulled me ontop of him causing me to quietly squeal "Your sister and Layla are waiting for me." I pointed out as he slid the dress off my shoulder before he connected his lips to my neck

"So?" He mumbled before doing it again "Fine but don't mess up my hair." I smiled as he pulled away again "No promises." He shrugged before I helped pull his shirt off

"Now we're going to be late." I pointed out as I jumped out of Jordan's bed once I caught my breath "So it's just Chris's party, I'm sure it'll be all night." He shrugged as I picked my dress up and walked back into the bathroom, leaving the room open "You messed up my makeup." I sighed as I looked at myself on the mirror
"Hey you only told me not to mess up your hair." He held his hands up in defence as he joined me in the bathroom with just his pants on

"You've been in there for 20 minutes are you good?" Olivia questioned as she knocked on the bathroom door "Uh yeah, I just wanted to try my options on to see which one I liked more." I responded even though we were supposed to help each other pick which option was the best "Well your supposed to ask us." Layla responded as they both stood on the other side of the door
"Go and get dressed." I whispered to Jordan as I shoo'd him away before I started to touch up my makeup "Why get dressed when we can get undressed?" He questioned as he connected his lips to my neck once again "Jordan." I wanted quietly "Look I still need to finish my makeup so I don't care if your tits are out I'm coming in." Olivia joked before she swung the door opened

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