Ice cream

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"Yo, get the fuck up off my couch. Shawn's gonna be here any minute." Baby spoke up causing my eyes to quickly snap open "What time is it?" I questioned as I felt around for my phone "Shit like 9." Baby replied causing me to groan and fully peal myself off of his couch "Alright I'm out, I'm gonna go see coop." I announced as I grabbed my things "Here." He called out causing me to turn around, catching the baggie he threw at me

Thankfully I got away from Baby's before Shawn arrived, even if he seen me on the streets I wasn't really high right now due to me sleeping it off the past few hours but if he caught me at Baby's he'd definitely rat me out to Spencer or at least Coop who'd rat me out to Spencer

"Hey." I called out as I walked into Alvin's barber shop seeing Coop standing behind a barber chair while patience sat in the back of the couch, both of them saying hi back as I made my way next to patience "I got $80 in tips just today." Coop flexed as she showed me the few bills causing a smile to spread across my face "Sugar mommy?" I questioned causing her to smack her lips and brush me off

Our laughter quickly stopped when we watched two guys walk in repping blue "Can I help y'all with something?" Coop spoke up as she wiped her hands down with a rag "Yeah it's a barber ship ain't it? I heard about a new girl who's curry with the clippers." One of the guys spoke up as they walked around the place, very sketchy and I knew patience felt the vibe to cause we shared a look "You in the right spot." Coop nodded, very clueless to the situation "I'm just Trynna get my line straightened up." The dude spoke again as he lifted up his shirt revealing his strap

"Alvin's for everyone, no gangs." I remained but the guys didn't even bother to send me a look besides when he gestured for the other guy to sit between me and patience "Yo my sister and girl ain't got nothing to do with nobody." Coop pointed out as we shared a nervous look "But you do. Plus that one's always hanging around with Shawn." The crip pointed out as he pointed towards me causing me to shrink into the couch while coop went on to get the dude ready for his haircut

"So how long you been cutting hair?" The guy questioned as cool started to sharpen is edges "long enough man. Everybody got a side hustle in the hood." Coop shrugged while I started to play with the bracelets around my wrist, I should've just stayed my ass in Beverly Hills. I hated having to deal with this shit but I was still pretty use to it, as use as one could be anyways

"This place is a hard spot to cop, where'd you get the hook up?" The man questioned just as Shawn and a few of his guys walked through the door "Where do you think?" Shawn questioned as he quickly grabbed my arm, pulling me up so that I was away from the crip while someone else grabbed patience and brought her out back

"I heard you and your boys are hanging around the shop again. You must've forgot that uh, this spots neutral." He spoke as he stood up from the barber chair "Next time get them naps trimmed, do it somewhere else." Shawn argued as they stood toe to toe even though Shawn was much shorter then the crip "The next time I roll through here, you, her, her and whatever business you got up in here best be gone." He threatened as he pointed around at me and coop before gesturing to the whole shop before he and his other guy left

"What the hell are you doing here?" Shawn quickly turned to me while I shrugged "I just wanted to see coop." I lied "So you drove 40 minutes just to see her for a few minutes?" He questioned in an unconvinced tone "Let's go to mine." He spoke again as he grabbed my arm once again, leading me out of the shop

"Can we stop for icecream?" I questioned as I crawled into his car "Yeah, we can get icecream." He chuckled as he sent me a smile before starting up his car and heading straight to our favourite ice cream shop

"Oh my, is that Angel James?" Ms.Rowley questioned from behind the counter, she's been serving me, Shawn, Coop and Spencer since as long as I could remember "Oreo fudge, two scoops, one cup." She smirked as she read of my ordered before quickly whipping it up "And rockey road, two scoops on a waffle cone." She continued as she turned to Shawn "You got it." He nodded before slipping her a $20 tip into the tip cup

"Let me try." He mumbled as he quickly licked the top of my ice cream causing me to gasp "Gross I don't know where your mouths been." I gave him a disgusted look as I slapped the back of his head "Well I know where yours been. *cough* Carlton *cough*." He joked making me hit him once again as he finally got his icecream, slipping another $20 towards miss Rowley before we headed out

I didn't really remember to much of after we got icecream, I just know when we got back Shawn gave me his bed and in order to sleep I had to take one of my very few pills that I had left
"I made breakfast." Shawn's voice spoke as he walked into the door way "Good morning!" Maya shouted as she quickly ran into the room and jumped on top of me "Y'all get out here."

As Shawn disappeared from the door way I turned to Maya "He's so grumpy." I shook my head causing her to mock a grumpy face before there was a knock at the door which got her attention causing her to quickly run off. I groaned once again before standing up and pulling on one of Shawn's t-shirts before I walked into the main part of the apartment seeing coop who was staring at Maya in shock

"Hey little mama, this your aunty coop. Wave." Shawn introduced them before gently picking up maya's arm making her wave "This is my daughter Maya." He continued causing coop to look from Maya to me "How long did you know this?" She questioned as I flopped down onto the couch "I'm her god mother." I shrugged causing Coop to give me a look "You kept it from us for that long?" She asked in a shocked voice causing me to nod my head, it was definitely not my place to talk about Maya to the outside world

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