chapter twenty five

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As soon as they got out of their boats, Kai ran and literally kissed the ground

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As soon as they got out of their boats, Kai ran and literally kissed the ground. "Ew, why are you doing that. . ." Soobin cringed at the scene infront of him.

Kai rolled his eyes and got up. "Because Sunghoon said if our boat is sinking he won't save me so I wasn't safe." Soobin's mouth forned an 'O' shape, understanding and nodding.

"Y'all, I'm getting cold," said Jungwon and they all looked at eachother, seeing that everyome is in their t-shirts. Well, not everyone, Soobin had a jacket.

"I feel like a dad, let's just go back." Soobin started to walk further to their cars and everyone followed him.

Sunoo and Sunghoon were walking side by side and of course, both of them trembling because of the cold.
They didn't really speak with eachother today, and Sunoo knows he did something wrong but didn't notice. If he would ask it would be embrassing, so he chose to shut up.

"I think I'm going to die." Yeonjun almost fell when he saw they have to climb the stairs. "Come on, you're so lazy!" Heeseung said.

"For real," Kai rolled his eyes and made Yeonjun get mad, and started running. When the younger saw that, he went faster on the stairs, and in some seconds they arrived at the car.

"Oh look, he isn't tired anymore." Soobin sighed. His boyfriend is so stupid.

Sunoo chuckled at him and his attention was back on Sunghoon. He wasn't staring or anything, it's just his mind who only thought about him.

They all walked, and as soon as they finally were reaching their cars, they two boys were both in the ground, exhausted.

"What happened here. . .?" Jungwon went next to Sunoo who tried to hold back from laughing and shrugged.
"I think they had a fight, again." Jake came to them and whispered. Jungwon turned his head and raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, we really didn't know that?"

Sunoo chuckled and Jake rolled his eyes. "Haha, I'm laughing so hard."

With that, Jungwon took his leave, catching up with Jay. Jake went to Heeseung too and Sunoo was alone again.

His eyes searched for a person, and saw him getting in the car. The boy speedened his pace, so he wouldn't have to sit between Kai and Yeonjun again.

He didn't see anyone getting in the same car, so he took the opportunity and got in. When he entered, Sunghoon's head snapped to him and he quietly sat. Btinging his gaze back to the window, and saw no one is in the car yet, Sunoo asked ;

"Hi hyung!" He spoke as Sunghoon mumbled something, maybe an 'hello' too.

Sunoo looked down, not knowing what to say anymore. Should he just ask what he wants? Or is it too soon?

"Uhm, Sunghoon hyung. . ." He started and Sunghoon slowly turned his head around to look at him. He wanted to escape from the feelings he has for the younger but it seems like he begins to like hid more and more as days go by.

"Why do you ignore me?" Sunoo said, his voice was being filled with sadness. Sunghoon felt his heart beat fastening and shook his head, being the only thing he could think of right now.

"I'm not ignoring you, what do you mean?" He asked and Sunoo raised his head to look at him. "Why are you lying?"

Sunghoon bit his lip. "I'm not. . . ?"

Sunoo sighed, he doesn't know what he should say so he'll admit that he is lying because it's even obvious on his face.

"If you say so," he shrugged and slowly averted his gaze to the window. Sunghoon gulped and then the other's entered in the car, making Sunoo go in the middle of the back seat, next to Sunghoon.

"What's the clock?" Asked Jungwon. "It's seven, almost eight p.m" said Riki, while looking at his phone. "So we're going to be back at eight and a half." Jay said, starting the engine.

Jungwon nodded, and averted his attention to his phone. They all stayed silent, only the songs coming from Jay's car could be heard.

"The time went by so fast," Sunoo pouted and made all of them nod. "We have to go back there," Jay whined.

After that, they started to speak and make jokes, until they reached the camp. Sunoo got out of the car and went to Riki's tent, asking him for a jacket, like he did last time.

Sunghoon looked at him and Riki smiling, feeling an unknown sensation. He shook his head and got on his phone, ignoring everyone around him.

 He shook his head and got on his phone, ignoring everyone around him

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"Riki!" Sunoo fastly ran after him. The younger turned around and looked confused because of the older.

"Can you give me one of your jackets again? I'm freezing," he said as he made a pleading face. Riki chuckled and nodded, significating to come after him.

"Here." He handed him the jacket and Sunoo smiled brightly. "Thank youuu!" Right when he was about to get out, Riki got his hand in his. "Can I tell you something?"

Sunoo frowned, wondering what would Riki want to tell him again, but he still hesitantly nodded. "I'm sorry." He spoke and left Sunoo speechless.

"For everything," he continued. "And I'll let you know one thing. . ." Riki bit his lip, and averted his gaze to Sunoo. "I'll still love you no matter what."


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