-6- It's me,

373 19 18

WOOHOO! A kinda canonical chapter!

|¥| SHELBY'S POV |¥|

Me and Lizzie walked along the path, we were going to visit Scott, we talked about magical thins and the past, and those Elven books Lizzie said Scott could understand. Just as we made it to the door, we heard something scream inside, sending worry immediately through my body, then someone hit the wall, hard, another thumb suggesting that then landed on the floor, then weeping. I bursted through the door, running through Scott's house and up the ladders, Lizzie followed behind. I got to the top and seen Scott curled up on the floor, bleeding. And some...markings? I dunno. I rushed to Scott's side. I placed my hand on his torso.

" Scott can you hear me? " I said panicked.

He didn't respond.

" Scott! " I said desperately, shaking him.

His eyes were closing and I felt his body go limp.

" SCOTT!? " I screeched, shaking him more vigorously.

His eyes shut, I desperately shook him, nothing.


I heard Lizzie run, that's all. The world went blank, I took Scott's body in my hands, crying. My head sank, tears trailing down my face. And before I knew so, there were other people. The other emperors, they tried to take Scott, I wasn't letting go. I held on more tightly, but failed anyways as Scott was ripped from my arms, I tried to reach out for him, but something was holding me back. They hugged me, it was Katherine. I hugged her back, crying into her neck crevice. What if he'll die? What if I was to clingy on him? What if Lizzie didn't get the others on time? I tightened my grip on Katherine's dress, she rubbed my back, comforting. I eventually cried myself to sleep.

I woke up to a crackling fire, an a somewhat comfortable couch. A soft blanket strung across me, I tired to move. Failing, but caught the attention of the others. Someone helped me up, I slowly regained my consciousness. I opened my eyes fully, it seems I was at Katherine's empire now. My eyes widened as I remember what happened. Scott. I tired to get up, someone pulled me back down. I tried to fight against it, but I couldn't. I calmed down slowly, regaining my vision.

" Where is he. " I said in a lowered voice.


|¥| SCOTT'S POV |¥|

I groaned, my eyes slowly opening, it was really bright, like- really bright. I heard some people, shushing at each other, I spun myself, trying to get away from the light source. I heard someone shove people out, I pulled the blanket up, but not even that worked to block the light. I sighed, not wanting to remove the covers, but having too, sadly. I peaked out of the covers, rubbing my eyes. Something was in front of me, I screeched and flung myself into the backboard. Before realising the something in front of me was Lizzie.

" Oh Joel-! Lizzie! You scared me to death! " I screeched.
" Naturally. " She shrugged.

Shelby quickly approached, sitting down on the bed.

" What happened? " Shelby asked.
" What? " I replied puzzled.
" Why was your wall dented, oh, and you crying and passed out bleeding heavily on the floor? Why? " Lizzie questioned.
" Uhhhh- I'm gonna seem insane if I answer that- " I replied.
" Just answer. " Lizzie said.
" I was maybe torment then thrown into a wall by a demon " I said with a unsure smile.
" I- what-? " Shelby asked puzzled.
" He was thrown into a wall by a demon, " Lizzie said to Shelby.
" A demon? I don't think that's good... " Shelby said shaking her head.
" You think? " Lizzie snapped making Shelby jump.
" Anyways, did it speak? " Lizzie asked
" No...? " I replied.
" Hmm, facial features? " Lizzie asked again.
" I suppose like mine...? But not the eyes, hair or skin... " I replied, puzzled.
" Eyes? " She asked.
" Red, along with the hair. " I said, remember it's figure.
" Uh huh, skin? " She asked.
" Very pale... like grey but snow-ish? " I said.
" Hmmm, " Lizzie pondered.

I shuddered at the thought of the demon, it looked like royalty or whatever, I mean it had a crown.

" Yeah I think that demon might've been you. " Lizzie said.
" What? " Me and Shelby said simultaneously.
" I've read a lot on different people of the past, that demon you described was the king of demons, and it's name was Scott Gilded Major, your name. " Lizzie said, nodded her head subconsciously.
" I'm at a loss for words... " Shelby muttered.
" Yeah... " I agreed.

Pain then randomly hit my head, I winced and my hands immediately flew to the area, Lizzie and Shelby reacted immediately, quickly, they pounced to my sides, my ears began ringing, my eyesight was blurring now. I could feel myself passing out. I fought it, I was staying conscious. I groaned in agony as the pain got worse, from what I could see, Lizzie left. Both her and Katherine came back in. I seen someone peak through the door. Katherine got out a glass and put it to my lips, I was then forced to drink the vile liquid. I wanted to spit it our right as it hit my throat, I swallowed though. The pain was less present. Katherine sped away then sped back she put it to my lips, this one was nicer. I took a sip, the pain slowly faded away. My hands fell down I let out a sigh of relief.

" Are you alright? " Katherine asked.

I nodded slowly, the pain was in my shoulder blades, tail bone and head. It was dreadful.

" I don't believe you, " Lizzie said.
" What's that? " Shelby asked pointing at my markings.

I shrugged, to drained to answer with words.

" Yeah yeah, don't bother him now. Plus Jimmy wants to talk with him. " Katherine said pushing Shelby's hand down.

I internally gulped, the sheriff never talks to me unless I did something... this isn't gonna end good. The girls left, Jimmy entered the room.

" Scott. " Jimmy said blandly. I waved.
" Explain to me why there's a secret market under the bridge, and why so many people where apart of it? " Jimmy said glaring.

I went pale, looking away. Trying to search for an excuse. I smiled awkwardly and shrugged. Jimmy slammed his his fist on the table, peering closer to me. I immediately shrunk down, as much as I wanted to fight back, I couldn't, I was practically disabled right now.

" Tell me, did you create it. " Jimmy asked glaring right into my eyes.

I glared back with a sense of confidence, and huffed. The sheriff didn't like that, he grabbed my collar and shoved me back. I would have loved this in any other situation, but definitely not this one. I squeaked, all confidence leaving.

" Tell. Me. " He said, angrily.

I gave him a hard glare, then lent into his hand and bit it. My teeth pierced his skin, his blood tricking into my mouth. He yelped and yanked his out of my mouth. He looked to his hand then to me, his blood trickled down my mouth, I licked it. It was pretty nice blood. Very nice actually. That's when I realised, I was chained to the wall. I fell back onto the board, glaring at Jimmy.

" You know I could arrest you for that. " Jimmy said clearing his throat.

I stuck my tongue out, glaring at him still.

He muttered something before saying. " So, I'll give a warning, that's it. "

I rolled my eyes, then realised. I wasn't really being me. I literally just bite Jimmy's hand, in my chance for a kiss, I bit him, my face fell as I knew my breathing sped up.

I wasn't becoming him right? I probably was... yeah. Probably am. Just a useless thing that always hurts others. Just an idiot.

I was interrupted in thought by Jimmy hugging me, my eyes widened, but then fell. I hugged him back, my thoughts left my mind. I cried softly into his shoulder. I felt the pain again, I quickly left though. But I felt something on my head, I used my hand to see. I felt around my head, stoping just above my ear, I felt something there. The demon entered my mind, the pair of horns just behind its temple... right were my hand was. I felt around the bump thing, it had groves and ended sharply. Horns.

" I have horns...? " I asked myself confused.
" What? " Jimmy replied perking up.

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