[Day 1]

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??? POV.

I open my eyes and I see a wall. All I can feel is a firey pain in the back of my head. I sit up and look around, realizing I was in a bathroom. I shakily stand to my feet as I touch the back of my head and feel blood. I notice a sink near the door so I wash my hands, trying to clean the scrapes on them. I look up and see some cameras and some speakers. As I'm dusting myself off, I hear voices and I start walking over. I fell right after my first step because of a sharp pain in my left leg. I stand back up to my feet and start limping to where the voices were.

I follow the voices and see a bunch of people standing around a long dinner table. I clear my throat and a few people look over. I limp over to the table and sit in one of the chairs surrounding it. I look around to count the people that were there and I counted 13 people including myself. I then hear some voices and turn around to see 2 people whispering to each other in angry tones.

"Was there anyone else in the room you were in?" The 2 people that were fighting and I jumped at the sudden voice. One of them said no, so the girl motioned them to come to the table. They looked at us suspiciously before slowly walking over.

"So who are you all and why are we here?" The girl of the 2 people that had been fighting cleared her throat.

"My name is Bailey and this is my twin brother Albert." She stated, motioning to the guy standing next to her. He gave her an annoyed look as she rolled her eyes. One of the girls standing around the table covered her mouth to stifle a giggle, obviously finding their rivalry funny. She uncovers her mouth, smiles, and introduces herself.

"Hello," she says as she looks around, looking at all of us. She makes eye contact with me, and I look away quickly.

"My name is Minji!" She glances around the room playing with the beads on her necklace. I glance at her, noticing her outfit. She had a cropped white shirt with long sleeves and light blue jeans held up by a black belt. There was a chain on her belt and a pearl bracelet on her left arm. I looked up at her and took in her facial features, she had almond-shaped red eyes, with smudged mascara under her eyes.

More people start to introduce themselves. Kai, Alex, Colleen, Mikah, Kim-Ly, Ally, Ezra, Tamia, Charlie, and Miguel. 15 of us. In a random place, we don't know. I was the last person to introduce myself.

"Hi, my name is Liling"

"So does anyone know what we're doing here?" Ally asks. Suddenly there is a loud screech from the speaker, and a voice speaks from it.

"Hello. Welcome to Flicker."

"Who are you? Why are we here!" The person I recognized as Arielle asked nervously, her voice shaking slightly.

"I'm getting there. Hello, and welcome to Flicker! In this game, there is a Good and Bad side. Your goal is to eliminate the other side. When the lights flicker, some of you will fall. Good luck! You'll need it."

The group looked around at each other nervously. I felt a million thoughts race through my head. An Evil Team? A Good Team? How do we know which team we were on? Who is the voice? What was the point of this? When are we going home?

"Wait, how do we know what team we are on?" The voice interrupted my thoughts, making me jump. I looked over at Arielle who was angrily shouting at the speaker. She opened her mouth as the voice started speaking again.

"In your pockets, you have a journal. The first page has your team and your role written on it. The page also has a description of your role on it if you don't know what it does."

I felt my back pocket and took out the journal the speaker was talking about. It looked normal, but it had my name written on it in black ink. I opened it to the first page. 'You are... Medic. You are part of the GOOD TEAM. Protect one person per night from an attack! Find the murderer, and survive!' Was written on the first page in bright blue ink. 

"Flick... Flick..."

The lights flicker out.

"The lights flicker out. It's time for the murderer to play!~"

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