[Night 1]

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Liling's P.O.V

I started walking backward slowly out of the room, in case something might happen. I heard heavy breathing and I started to worry a little bit more. Was this real? A scream broke the silence that had fallen over the house. I jumped as the gut-wrenching sound of a metal blade piercing flesh soon followed. The sound continued, and I heard crying from some of the people also in the room. Was a murder actually happening?  The noise started dying down, and I stood there for a few minutes until I felt myself falling asleep.

I woke up to someone shaking me awake. I opened my eyes and Minji was standing in front of me, her long black hair tied into a bun. 

"Almost everyone else is awake, we couldn't find you and so we started getting worried," Minji told me as she helped me up. "We found a body on the couch, and we're discussing who might have done it." We started walking out of the room, and I saw the group around the couch. Suddenly, I hear a loud beeping noise. I look around and see a small white object on the bookshelf. I pick it up.

"It's a ten-minute timer," I say. As soon as the words left my mouth I hear feedback from the speakers, and the voice starts talking again. 

"Time to discuss who is evil! Once you guys decide on a suspect, go into the closet and say the person's name. If you don't vote, then it counts as a vote against yourself! The player with the most votes will be removed. Hurry up, the timer is ticking!"

"So does anyone have any idea who it might be?" I hear Alex ask. 

"Not to start pointing fingers, but I think it might be Ally," Minji says, pointing at her. 

"Why me? Plus, that is exactly what pointing fingers is Yun." Ally said, glaring at Minji. 

"You've been acting suspicious even since we all woke up here. You were at the table when we all introduced ourselves, then you just stood in the corner. When the lights started flickering, you told the victim, Miguel, that you were headed to your room. The lights turn back on, and BOOM! He's dead." Minji explained to us. "She's just been suspicious. And she's not even defending herself!" 

"Well, she is acting suspicious." Colleen stated, "I guess we know who our suspect is."

That's great! Time to vote out who you think is evil. You each have 30 seconds. Into the closet! Go in alphabetical order. 

Albert, Alex, Ally, Arielle, Bailey, Charlie, Colleen, Ezra, Kai, and Kim-Ly, then it was my turn. I said Ally's name then exited the closet. Then Minji, Mikah, and lastly, Tamia. The timer that was still in my hand beeped again, indicating the voting time was over. I took a deep breath as the lights flickered out again. In the dark, I heard a snap. When the lights turned back on, Ally was laying in the middle of the room. Her neck had been snapped. Her breathing was shallow, and she was crying. 

"Good luck everyone..." She muttered as she closed her eyes, her breathing stopping shortly after. 

I sat down next to her body, turning her over. I heard Alex ask what I was doing, and I shushed him. I took the journal out of her pocket and looked at the first page. 'You are... Survivor. You are part of the GOOD TEAM. Help the investigator, find the murderer, and most importantly, SURVIVE!' On the first page, she had written 'I don't know why I'm here, but these people seem nice! Oh, a killing game. Well, I'm a survivor. Good job Ally, you got the most boring role." 

"That's all that she wrote... Rest In Peace Ally." I murmured, turning her body back over, and placing the journal on her stomach. I turned around and most of the group was split up, so I decided to go over into the kitchen. I opened the fridge to see if there was anything in there, and to my surprise, there was. All of a sudden, the lights started flickering out again. 

The night was starting again.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

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