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Rosie's eyes fluttered open. At first she thought it was all a dream. Elena. Katherine. The dark figure who could speed at 100 miles an hour... but then she noticed her surroundings. She sat up, quickly suddenly alarmed.

She flung her hand to her head. Owwwch! She thought. Too quick! She rubbed her head before climbing out of the silky sheets. The bed was huuugee! And extremely comfortable. The room was very old fashioned. With old oak furniture and white silk accessories. In the far right corner, by the large window, were her suitcases and bags. Stacked neatly in a pile. She looked down to see she was still in her clothes from (what she thought was) yesterday.

She opened her door cautiously checking left and right in the corridor,before heading down the stairs on the right. She had no idea where she was going in this massive house! Hopefully she would find someone... then again, how did she end up here? Who were these people? What if they're sychopaths?

She reached the bottom of the stairs before entering he room on her right. "Uh? Hello?" She called entering a living room. she moved further into the room and found five people sitting around on sofas.

"Oh! Rosie thank god! Your awake! How are you feeling?" Elena asked getting up moving towards her. The resemblance shocked rosie already. She noticed the other gasp to see the two so close. "Okay... how long have I been unconscious? " rosie asked taking a seat next to the fermilliar matt. "Three days." Elena said, sitting opisit her next to bonnie and a blonde girl.

Rosie looked around the room. There was matt, bonnie, a blounde pretty girl, a dark haired boy, Elena, then the boy with caramel hair and green eyes who had shown up at the grill with that dark haired boy...
The dark haired boy!

Suddenly she began to shiver, uncontrollably. She saw images of him speeding towards her, baring his big white teeth, pushing to the floor, hitting her so hard she could swear everyone had seven heads. She remembered that feeling. Of wanting so bad to slip into the darkness. To let sleep engulf her. But she kept looking. Kept tying to stay awake. Until finally she couldn't keep it away...

" hey,what's wrong?" Matt asked feeling her shiver. "W-w- where i-is he?" She asked rubbing her arms at the sudden coldness. "Who? " he asked, sharing the same confused expression as the rest of the group did. "T-the b-boy. Who was wearing b-black. A-at T-the grill..." she said suddenly shaking harder. "Hey,hey its okay he won't hurt you again." Elena said smiling reassuringly. "He mistaken you for someone else... its okay now. Your safe." She finished.

Rosie breathed, trying to keep calm. It's okay. She told herself. He wouldn't of done it if he didn't need to. It's okay. It won't happen again. She kept telling herself, after a little bit the shuddering stopped.

"So hey,this is Caroline. " Elena said nodding towards the pretty blonde. " hi, rosie." Caroline said smiling. "Hey." Rosie said returning the smile.
"and this is Tyler. " Elena gestured towards the dark haired boy. "Hey Tyler. " rosie said smiling. "Hi. " he replied.

" so I've been out for three days... and I kinda feel gross. Mind if I go take a shower? " Rosie asked raising her brow. "No, of course not. There's a bathroom attached to your room. You can use that shower. Please go ahead. Change, empty your packing. Do whatever." The guy with caramel coloured hair said with a smile. "Thanks, uh...?" Rosie asked. " stefan. I live here. So your free to stay as long as you want and do whatever. These guys are here pretty much 24/7 so they'll be company. " stefan said, shrugging. " thanks. It was really nice meeting all of you. But if you don't mind I kinda stink. I mean three whole days. Really takes its toll on a girl. I feel like a pig. "Rosie said getting up. "Oh. Um. I don't think I'll be able to get back to my room. This house is so big. Plus I could get lost in a shoebox. " rosie trails off, embarrassed.

They all started laughing, uncontrollably. Rosie even joined in. "Lost in a shoe box ? Seriously?" Tyler exclaims holding his stomach laughing harder.

"Well,well,we'll... what's everyone laughing about? " the dark haired boy came into view. He had a smirk on. Rosie's eyes widened. It was him. He was the one who hit her. "Rosie was just saying... oh rosie!" Elena walked over to her holding her shoulder. Rosie stayed as far away as she could from the mysterious, guy.

"It's okay. Rosie. You see there's another who looks like you another nd Elena. She's called Katherine. And she's done a lot of bad things. To all of us. And a lot of innocent people. Damon thought you were her... and then lashed out. She's messed with us pretty bad. He won't hurt you though. I swear."stefan clarified looking into Rosie's eyes before turning to his brother. "Right Damon? "

"Right. I completely apologise for my past behavior. I was under the impression you were someone... else. Can we please start over? I am Damon salvatore I live here. I'm stefan's older, smarter brother. And I'm pleased to meet you" Damon walked in front of rosie his hand held out a smile in place.

This Damon seemed nicer... rosie took his hand. "Pleased to meet you Damon salvatore. I'm Rosie Gilbert. Now that's rosie. I have had a habit of being called every name under the sun,apart from my own. Please don't make that mistake. " rosie said smiling, in her usual seductive way. Why? She thought. Elena had the same face, lips, mouth... how couldn't she smile sweetly? She had tried she could do it, but not naturally. Her natural everyday smile always turned out seductive or alluring. Never kind,innocent, sweet.

They all laughed at her little name problem. Before Elena suddenly stopped looking encridably confused. "Did you say your surname was Gilbert? " she asked suddenly causing everyone to stop,laughing and turn shocked at rosie. "Umm... yeah. Why?"

" my surnames Gilbert." Elena said taken a seat looking side to side at the floor,thinking deeply.everyone else took her lead and sat down too. "Where are you from?" Bonnie asked trying to piece this together too. " not far from here actually. My mom used to live around here when she was young. But she died when I was little so I've lived with my aunt for as long as I can remember. My aunt passed away not too long ago, so I wanted to search for my father. My mom never told my aunt who he was so I've just got to try dig around. Thats why im moving over here. Wait. Why?" Rosie asked breaking out of the fantasy reunion she had planned out in her head, about finally finding her father. And maybe having a family to live with. Not having to live the future lonely without no family at all.

"Your mother what was her name?" Stefan asked staring into Rosie's eyes. " she was called belle. Why?" Rosie asked confused. Why were they so interested all of a sudden? Strange.

" and what was your aunt called?" Caroline asked staring at her with the same intensity as stefan had. "She was called heyley. Why?" Rosie replied. "How did sh..." Damon began but rosie cut him off. "No! I'm sick of being in the dark! I turn up to town searching for my father and run into some one who looks exactly like me. Then I get abused by some speedy stranger. Before waking up to all of you bombarding me with questions. Don't you think I should be the one asking questions ? " rosie screamed.

"Wow, chick calm down." Tyler began. "No give some me answers. " rosie shouted. "What do you want to know?" Damon questioned with a smirk at her sudden outburst. "First of all, how did you speed over to me in the grill?" Rosie demanded,shouting.

"Because I'm a..." Damon began. "No wait give it some time Damon we can't tell her yet!" Stefan grabbed Damon. "Damon! What were you thinking? " Caroline shouted. "I'm thinking Rosie's right. She deserves some answers." Damon shrugged. "yes. But not like this..." Elena cut in. "Wait. What? Don't you think I deserve the answers good or bad! It's my decision. None of yours now tell me!" Rosie shouted. They all turned to Her, shocked.

Moments passed before rosie finally gave up. " how. Did. You. Do. That. Speedy. Thing? " rosie said stepping in front of Damon. "No..." Elena began, but it was too late. Damon had already began.

"Because I'm a vampire. " Damon shrugged.


Rosie Gilbert (the vampire diaries)Where stories live. Discover now