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King Smithson turns to me, and, without hesitation, slaps me. "Explain yourself, Taylor."

I don't dare flinch. I've learned that only makes things worse. I only stand straight, stiff, unmoving, and look the king in the eye. "He left the coffee shoppe. I couldn't find him wherever he went."

Anger floods his face, his ears going red. He rings a bell for his personal guard, Jasper Chen, and waits, tapping his foot on the ground impatiently. As we wait, the dinner bell loudly rings throughout the palace. King Smithson scoffs, cursing under his breath.

Jasper arrives within the minute. "Yes, your Majesty?" he asks. I observe his state. His black curls are matted, his guard uniform is on backwards, and his shoes aren't tied. His cheeks are bright red and he's panting. His hands are folded, I assume (based on his state) strategically, over his crotch. I stifle a laugh.

The king doesn't seem to notice. "Taylor deserves the--" he whispers the rest into Jasper's ear so I don't hear him.

Jasper's face drains of color. "Are you sure, Sire? With all due respect, only Norwood, Gravesfield, and Park have received that before. It's brutal."

The king nods. "I'm sure. Now, Chen. Take him now. The kingdom needs to show that we refuse to handle transgressions lightly."

I shake my head, terrified. "It wasn't a transgres-"

King Smithson cuts me off. "Silence, Taylor! Take your punishment-- the one you deserve-- like the man you are. Unless you aren't one, S-"

My eyes widen and I interrupt him in a panic. "I am, your Majesty. I'll take whatever punishment you give me. I deserve it." I sigh as quietly as possible.

A cruel smirk creeps upon the king's lips. "That's what I thought, Taylor." He walks off and leaves me in Jasper's hands.

Jasper offers me a sad smile. "I can tell the torturer to go easy on you, Ro. I can sneak you food. I can break you out." He says to me as we walk to the dungeon.

I shake my head. "No, Jasper. Don't risk getting in trouble just because we were roommates at calculus camp."

He lets out a dry chuckle. "Ah, those were good times."

"They were only good to you because you and Sara snuck off to that storage closet every night." I say, desperately trying to distract myself.

Jasper rolls his eyes playfully. "I enjoyed the math, though."

"Only if it equaled two and not three or four."

Jasper laughs as he takes a sharp turn to the right and goes down a flight of stairs faster than I could. I trail behind him, scared. A heavy metal door creaks open and he calls for me to follow him. I reluctantly do so.

We continue down a corridor until we finally reach the dungeon. I freeze. Torture devices line the walls, mold drips from the ceiling, and the tall man standing next to door is the most terrifying man I've ever seen. "No." I whisper to myself, terror consuming every atom of my being. I want to turn around. I want to run away. I want to go back to that coffee shoppe and never lose sight of Elijeal. But I can't. There's no use. King Smithson will kill me in an instant if I run from this.

I take a deep breath and pull myself forward. "Let's get this over with so I can be back before supper." I force a smile.

Jasper and the Door Man exchange a glance.

"Ro," Jasper starts, cringing at his thoughts, "you won't be let out until the second dinner bell rings. Day after tomorrow."

My heart stops beating for a moment, my smile drops, and my breath hitches. "Wh-What?" I ask, utterly bemused.

The Door Man laughs a deep, scary laugh and grins. His teeth are dirty and his face is covered with black smudges. His breath smells like death and sardines. I try not to vomit when he finally speaks, his face mere inches from mine. "Did no one tell yeh?"

I shake my head.

"Yeh'll be in 'ere for a good while, mah boy. No food, no water, no visitors. Just good, plain torture for 48 'ours." He explains.

I look to Jasper. "No." It's the only word I can manage to get out.

Jasper gives me a pitying look and sighs. "I advised against it, but, orders are orders, Rowan."

I violently shake my head as tears form in my eyes. I'm shaking from head to toe. I've never felt this kind of fear before. Not when I got trapped in my basement for half a day as a child, not when I'd been told nine of ten drinks on a table was poisoned and we had to guess which it was to pass the first of the king's tests, and certaintly not when there was a loud thud from-- Stop. It'll hurt more if you think about it. I think to myself. "No, no, please-- There has to be some other way, please!" I plead. But my pleading is in vain.

Jasper bows his head and exits without another word. I could swear a tear rolls down his cheek as he does so.

I freeze, my last chance of rescue having left. My hand flies to my mouth, something that happens when I panic.

The Door Man seizes my arm and pulls me forward, his grip stronger than I thought it would be. I close my eyes, not wanting to know what comes next. Because the next thing I know, searing, unbearable pain hits my body like a brick to the head.

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