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It's been two weeks since I'd gotten released from the dungeon. I never did find Elijeal Seong. He moved away when I was healing.

I sigh, bored. I've had nothing to do for two and a half weeks. King Smithson's kindness is unexpected and appreciated, but it really sucks having nothing to do but converse with Alyona and whoever else visits my room.

"So, are you in love with anyone, Rowan?" Alyona asks me, lining up dominos on my bedroom floor.

I chuckle. "Nope. I don't have the time for a girlfriend."

She smiles at me. "You should get one. There's lots of girls here at the palace!"

"Oh, really?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah! Lillian, Sidalee, Stella, Eleanor... The list goes on,"

"I'm afraid I'm a little bit too busy for a girlfriend, Alyona."

She shrugs. "Just a juh...sessh...t-ton!"

"Suggestion," I correct with a laugh.

"Yeah, that!"

Alyona is such a pure beam of light. She's sweet and kind. She's an absolute angel. Oh no. I think to myself. She's an absolute angel.

"Hey, can you promise me something?" I ask her.

She nods. "Of course! What is it?"

"Be a little rude if the king or the royal assassin is watching you. Okay?"

She tilts her head and narrows her eyes, an expression of confusion on her face. "Stella would never kill me. And King Smithson only wants to protect me," she protests, probably knowing what I am hinting at. At least I know who Stella is now.

"I know, I know, but I'd hate for something to happen to you. You show so many signs of posession. It scares me, Alyona." I explain.

She rolls her eyes, which is adorable. I force myself to keep a serious expression. "I won't die, Rowan."

"Alyona," I groan, frustrated, "you need to be safe."

"Bye, Rowan." She says, getting off the floor and heading to the door.

I sigh. I'm bloody terrified of losing her. The thought itself makes me stress more than the thought of death itself. She's stubborn, but she's the sweetest kid ever. And I've already lost everyone who's important to me. All I have left are Jasper and Alyona. And barely Jasper, at that.

I lay down on the floor and topple over the lined up dominos with my elbow. Memories flood my head as I do so.

And then you just... I'd flicked the dominos and watched Ethan's face light up.

That was so awesome! He'd replied, smiling. Can I try?

I'd nodded and lined up the dominos again. Go on, Ethan.

He'd knocked the dominos over, his hair falling into his eyes.

You need a haircut, Eth. I'd said nonchalantly, smiling as the dominos all fell.

He'd shrugged. No thanks.

Tears roll down the sides of my face and into my messy hair. As guilty as I feel, I can't help but smile. There's a time in life when you can finally think about those who have passed and smile instead of sob. I can't wait for that to happen to me; for the day I can think about my brother and smile without guilt hitting me like an arrow to the heart.

I glance at the picture of my family on my vanity. Mum, Dad, me, and Ethan. Well, maybe I shouldn't call them Mum and Dad since they hate me. Clodagh, Rian, me, and Ethan. We're all wearing matching navy blue and hunter green outfits. Clodagh's expression is firm yet kind, Rian's is happy, mine is a stiff half-smile, and Ethan is forcing a grin. "I'm sorry." I whisper to the photo, a round of sobs taking over my body. I miss them all so much.

But they don't miss me.

I look up at the ceiling and stare, my mind racing.

I should've payed attention to him. I should've lifted him up. He'd be alive if I wasn't such a prick. I think to myself.

I'm interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I shout, wiping the tears from my face and standing up.

Jasper comes in, a sorrowful expression upon his face. For once, he isn't all disheveled. "King Smithson requests your presence in the throne room." He takes a look around my room and winces at the messy floor.

"What for?" I make my way over to him and walk out my room, shutting the door behind me.

Jasper sighs. "There's a new target. You need to observe her for twenty-four hours and make your judgements. Although, the king himself has already made his judgements. No matter what you say, it won't matter." He looks down at the ground, refusing to meet my eyes.

"Who?" I ask, his expression worrying me.

Jasper shakes his head, like he's dreading telling me. "That's not for me to say, Ro. Just know that I'm sorry."

My eyes widen, connecting the dots. "No."

"I'm sorry, Rowan."

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