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Sunbeams stream through my window, alerting me of the time. I groan. I haven't slept at all. My pillow is soaked with tears and my hair clings to my forehead with sweat. I sit up in my bed and take a long, deep breath as I observe my surroundings. My floor is littered with objects from all around my room due to the tantrum I threw last night. Clothes, books, dominos.

A shaky breath-turned-sob escapes my throat as the thought hits me. I'll never be able to see Alyona again. And my last memory of her is her hating me. Tears well in my eyes again, but I don't allow them to fall. "It's okay, Ro," I whisper to myself. "She's with her mum now. It's a good thing." At this point, I know I'm trying to convince myself it's better this way so I don't break down again.

The breakfast bell rings through the palace. I sit up straight, startled, and my tears near instantly disappear. Usually the bell doesn't ring for another half hour or so.

I rush to make myself presentable for breakfast. I comb out my curls and throw on a long-sleeved, white button-up shirt which I tuck into my most likely wrinkled lighy brown trousers. Overtop my button-up goes a navy blue cable knit sweater vest. I check myself in the mirror. I'm good, this is good enough. I think to myself as I carefully make my way to my door through the maze of mess on my floor. Before leaving, I grab my wallet and shove it into my pocket

I finally exit my room and book it to the corridor that takes me to the dining hall.

"Hey, wait up!" Jasper calls from behind me.

I slow my pace and slightly turn my head to the right, just enough to see both him and where I was walking through my periphery. I raise a brow. "Yes?" I ask.

Jasper pants as he finally catches up to me. His steps fall in line with mine. "I thought I should let you know that I'm sorry, Ro."

"What for?" My line of sight goes fully to where I'm walking.

Jasper sighs. "The stuff in the dungeon."

I stop in my tracks. "Jasper, that wasn't on you."

"I could've snuck you food."

"A loaf of bread for a life doesn't seem worth it."

Jasper lays a hand on my shoulder. "Even if you won't let me be sorry about that, I'm still sorry. I'm sorry for Alyona. She was a good kid to ev-"

"Stop." I shrug his hand off and start walking again, much faster this time.


"I said stop."

Silence. The only sounds are the footsteps of myself, Jasper, and a few other people on their way to who-knows-where. I finally reach the corridor and I make a sharp left.

"Where are you going?" Jasper asks, following me still. "The dining hall is to the right."

"I know where the dining hall is."

"Then why aren't you going there?"

"I'm 19. Is that too young to make my own decisions, Jasper? Are you going to babysit me like I'm a child, Jasper? If I want to go into town instead of having breakfast, is that so bad?" I snap through gritted teeth.

Jasper falls a little behind me. "I-- I just don't think it's a good idea for you to be out of the safe palace walls right now, Ro." He says quietly.

I shake my head. "Well I think it's a splendid idea."

"Rowan. I know how you were after Ethan died. You just lost another person you love. I don't want you to be a wreck again. You're my friend."

I keep walking, ignoring him for a good minute. I tug on my sleeves, fix my posture, and clear my throat. "That won't happen again."

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