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Telling him:

It's been 2 years since you and Sabo got together. The topic of starting a family came up recently and you decided that now would be a good time to start trying. It didn't take long for the desired results to come. You found out today that your efforts paid off. You were absolutely ecstatic and knew Sabo would be too. Given that this was your first child, you wanted the announcement to be special. Thankfully, you already had an idea.

He was lying in bed in your guys' bedroom.

"What are you doing?" you ask curiously

"Nothing!  I'll be honest I'm a little bored".

"Do you want to come outside and play with the dog? He needs some exercise".


The two of you make your way to the front yard and Sabo begins playing fetch with the dog. After a few throws, you tell him to throw the ball to you. When he does, you catch it as the dog follows and quickly turn around so all he can see is you from the back. He asks why you tuned around and you tell him to just give you a second. You pull out a checker-patterned bandanna from your pocket that has the text "I'm getting another human!" sewed into it. You tie it around the pup's neck and turn yourself back around so that you are now properly facing the blonde man. You give your dog the ball back and you tell him to bring it back to Sabo.

The dog happily dashes up to him with the ball in his mouth. Sabo reaches down to retrieve the ball when he notices the sudden appearance of the bandanna. He turns his attention to that and pulls it forward to read the words on it.

"I'm getting another human? What does that mean-"

He looks up at you, eyes wide. His expression goes from shocked to thrilled as he darts toward you, wrapping you in a big hug and spinning you around. "You're pregnant, angel?!" 

"I am! I found out this morning!"

"Oh, wow! This is great news! I am so happy!" *kisses* "I am so happy and I love you so much!"

Delivery or soon after:

Your daughter is now 2 months old.

You are cooking dinner in the kitchen while Sabo is going to get your daughter who is crying from her nursery which was her way of telling you that she was awake from her sleep and wanted to be fed.

"Well good morning, sunshine. You slept for 2 hours! You must have been really tired! Let's get you fed and changed, huh? I have a bottle for you right here".

He carefully picks up the infant and cradles her, giving her a kiss on the top of her head. He raises his head up ever so slightly "Hm? What's that? You like your onesie? Your dad picked it out so of course you do. Can't go wrong with paw prints!" He then comes into the living room which is attached to the kitchen. 

You don't take your eyes off of the cooking food. "How is she?"

"She's fine... Definitely hungry". Your boyfriend sits on the couch and positions himself so that he can give her the bottle. "Jeeze. She acts like she hasn't eaten in days. I never knew a baby could eat this much. She sorta reminds me of Luffy". That last line had a heavy tone of sarcasm.

You continue to tend to the food on the stove. Things are silent until you hear Sabo softly singing to the baby.

He thought that you didn't hear him but you did loud and clear. A tear almost came to your eye but you held it back and just smiled. He was such a caring father.

With dinner now done, you turn off the stove and wash your hands. You tell him that the food is done.

"Perfect timing! She is done, too".


Your daughter is now 17 years old.

"Mmm... 6:00 a.m already? It feels like I just got to sleep..." Sabo thinks to himself, looking at the alarm clock with blurry vision. He rolls over to his side in an effort to rest his eyes for one more moment but the constant sound of the clock prevents that. He nearly slams his hand on the button to turn it off. "Alright, alright...I'm up!"

He swings his legs over the side of the bed, stretches his arms up above is head, and yawns. He then looks over to you. You haven't woken up yet so he walks over to your side of the bed and softly pushes your shoulder "Angel, it's time to get up. It's 6o'clock".

You don't move so he tries again. You stir. "There's my angel. It's time to get up, alright? We have that meeting at 8:00am" you say nothing in response and slowly sit up rubbing your eyes. After a minute or so, you get up from bed and proceed to get ready for the day. Before you get dressed, you tell Sabo that he needs to wake up your daughter for school. 

She hates mornings.

"On it" he responds. Making his way to his daughter's bedroom, he knocks and opens it. "[D/N] It's time to get up for school". She doesn't give any type of response. "Playing this game, are we? Alright, I can do that!" With that last word he simultaneously swiftly pulls open the curtains to reveal the sunlight which floods the room *SHING!* Your daughter rolls over to side and quickly covers her head with her blanket.

"Come on, [D/N]. You gotta get up. Hey! Did you turn your alarm clock off so it wouldn't ring again? Jeez..." He walks over to her side. "Don't make me jump on your bed! ... I'm gonna do it! I'll jump on you! 3...2...1-" before he can make the threat happen, she gets up. "There we go! Now hurry up, you're 10 minutes late getting out of bed!"

Your daughter manages to get ready in time but just barely. She bolts out of the front door and runs to school. You and Sabo are standing in the doorframe, both of you holding a coffee mug.

"We're going to be late too! Helping her get ready caused us to fall behind!" you say to Sabo as he nearly spits out his coffee.

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