Your name is Inaya Mills and you are the daughter of Regina Mills the ex evil queen you goes to school for good and evil, and figure out who you are as a person and where you belongs. In the addition, you a bit of both good and evil when you arrives...
You woke up and saw your mom. You practically jumped out of bed and ran to her. You hugged her tightly I missed you, mama. I miss you too Inaya she smiled, you started to cry,
my love don't cry, you look down at your hands. And you're mom put a gentle finger on your chin, so you could look at her, what's on your mind, I'm just nervous. Don't be they are lucky to Have you, your mom looked at the door and you turned around to see what she was looking at it was a piece of paper You went to go pick it up. and walked back, what is it? my schedule. can I see your mom says, yeah  schedule for good
1 : beautification : professor anemone 2 : archery : unknown  3 : sword skills : arc angel Michael  4 : animal, communication : the white rabbit  5 : lunch 6 : good deeds : Dovey  7 : SURVIVING FAIRY TALES : Yuba
You have archery, my love. I do, you look at your schedule and look at your mom both of y'all smile. Mama i need to tell you, something, she nods, her head then she walks towards your bed and sits down. She pats the bed gently for you to sit down next to her. you breathe and slowly walk toward your dresser, with the flow of your magic the red eyes book appears.
You turn back around and give the book to your mom, you sit down on the bed, and your mom looks confused. This is what I need to talk to you about, open It, she read the first page and looks back at you. oh umm so are you some sorcerer or something?
Something like that, I don't, really know. I'm scared mama, you start rambling about it.  and pacing yourself walking back-and-forth lnaya, lnaya you're eyes your mom yelled out you look at the mirror and see your eyes, you blink rapidly, and you start to come down your mom gets off of the bed we're gonna get through this together I promise. she hugs you. Now let's go get your dress, I'm thinking perfect. Your mom uses her magic and puts a beautiful dress on you. 
( Your dress and your make-up and your shoes ) hope you like it
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