Your name is Inaya Mills and you are the daughter of Regina Mills the ex evil queen you goes to school for good and evil, and figure out who you are as a person and where you belongs. In the addition, you a bit of both good and evil when you arrives...
the white rabbit shows up he turned into a man, so he can properly teach the students, but he looks the same, you choose a baby monkey and play with him. As you cut up some bananas. For him and some strawberries. he looks so cute. He was brown and peach and his eyes a hazel color. as you told him about your life, he was just sitting there, eating crackers and listening to you, it's like he understood you, meanwhile, Bellatrix and Mary were staring at you with hateful eyes. The monkey was talking to you, you know why those girls don't like you, you turned your head to look at them know why, it because they are jealous of you. Inaya : me, they are not wrong, you send your new friend back into the jungle, his home, and you smiled as he swings through the trees. it's lunchtime now. you went to lunch and got some food. As you did everybody was staring at you.
How your food looks like yes we're eating healthy period <3
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You went outside to the woods. and set by a old tree. Mm, and you have a coffee cup ☕️, you had one of your books with you and you started to read it, the quietness of the woods, and the birds chirping, your comfort place, you spend most of your time in the woods, back at home, as you heard somebody coming, you looked up it was Lady Lesso, my lady, Lesso : I didn't see you at lunch, so I thought you would be out here and I was right. you blush. Lovely dress princess, may I.
yeah, Lesso set down next to you, do you want some? you asked her, she looks at you and smiles, sure. You Use your magic to transport another spoon and hand it to her, you can use your magic Lesso ask. Yeah why, the others can't, their powers are limited. Oh, I didn't know that. you lay out the book so she could read it with you. as you scanned her body and saw what she was wearing.
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⚠️l ( hot as fuck 😏 ) you smile to yourself and think about how Hot she looks, Lesso : what are you looking at. You didn't say anything, she smiles I can hear your thoughts you know. You can. she goes to your ear and you can feel her breath. Yeah, she says and breathing heavily.
you squirm a little, umm can we take this somewhere else? what she says. you say in a whisper can we take this somewhere else? you breathe heavily, and she bites on your ear. You let out a soft moan, please Lesso, please what princess, you look at her and y'all noses are barely touching, you kiss her and y'all fault on the blanket, Lesso kisses your neck then all over your body. you moan, wait wait, you say almost out of breath, she stops are you okay? yeah, I'm fine. can we just go somewhere else please, OK, you Refused, to be fucked in the woods so yeah.