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Telling him:

Shanks was in town running some errands while you stayed home. You spent the time he was away thinking of how you were to going to break the news that you were carrying his child. You wanted to announce it in a unique way. An idea ended hitting you after awhile and you headed out to town yourself to buy what it was you needed to aide in your news break. You managed to make it back home before Shanks. It didn't take long, however, for him to arrive.

"Hey, honey. I'm back. Sorry it took so long but one of the shops were closed so I had to go out of my way to find a similar place" he says, putting some paper bags full of goods on the kitchen table.

"It's fine. I actually had to do some shopping myself".

"Hm? Did you think I would forget something so you got it yourself? Hahaha".

"No, no. I actually got you a gift!"

"A gift for me? Aww, thanks. You went out just to get it?"

You just smile and slide a small box across the table. Shanks looks at, looks at you, and looks at it again. He picks it up and takes the lid off. Inside is a silver bracelet that has the words "World's best dad" engraved into it. He doesn't say anything and continues examines it, reading the phrase over and over in an effort to understand what the gift's purpose really is.

"You know I appreciate this but I gotta ask... what is the occasion?"

"Today is Father's Day".

"Oh. Is it? Um..." He chuckles "But I'm not a father".

A smile forms on your face "You will be in 9 months".

His eyes widen and he takes another look at the bracelet. He is at a loss for words. Tears begin to form in his eyes as he puts it on his right wrist. He puts his palm over his face and softly cries "This is great news. Starting a family with you... I could not imagine anything better".

You walk toward him but before you can reach him, he leaps toward you and embraces you, kissing you lovingly. You return the kiss. He pulls away and wipes off the happy tears and tells you he loves you. He then gets on one knee so that his face as it the level of your stomach and places a hand on it "We will be seeing you soon. I can't wait to meet you".

Delivery or soon after:

Today is your first day back home from the hospital. However, it was no longer just you and Shanks. You now had a baby boy.

You were still exhausted and while you insisted that you stay awake and help, your husband wanted you to get some sleep. 

"Darling, it's okay. Please go lie down. You've been through so much. I can watch him for awhile".

You finally agree and make your way to your bedroom and quickly drift off to sleep. Shanks comes in soon after holding the baby who ends up falling asleep as well. He lets out a giggle "You're tired too, huh? I don't blame you. You and your mom have had a lot to deal with and I couldn't do much other than give all of the support I could. We've waited 9 months to meet you and you're finally here. It's surreal. We love you more than words can express and I promise that I will protect you and your mom with my life".


Your son is now 5 years old and today is his first day at kindergarten. 

Shanks is walking him to school, both holding hands. Your son has his backpack on which has a photo of a skull and crossbones on it. However, it has more of a cartoony/cutesy design. Once he and Shanks make it up to the school's doors, his grip on his fathers hand tightens. Shanks notices this and looks down at him "What's wrong, buddy? Are you nervous?"

The young boy tugs on his father's arm and asks that they go home. He pulls and pulls, not moving his father an inch.

Shanks leans and gets on one knee, looking at his son with sincere eyes" You are nervous, huh?"

"Yeah... I don't.. I don't wanna go" a tear now running down his cheek, cheeks flushed pink

"Hey, hey, hey. Come here..." The red-haired man embraces his son into a tight hug and rests his chin on his shoulder and says in a soft tone "You seemed excited when your mom and I were getting you ready this morning. I guess the nerves didn't get to you until now". 

Your son is crying into his father's chest.

"...We can't go home. You have to go to school. I'll tell you what, though, I will stay with you out here until you don't feel nervous anymore".

The boy says nothing. All that can be heard is his sniffling.

"Ya know, your mom and I have met your teacher and he is really nice. He isn't as cool as your dad but still pretty cool. Think of all of the friends you'll meet and fun projects you will make. Remember that I packed your favorite for a snack, too. You'll be having such a good time that you won't even realize your day is actually over! I promise you'll be safe, [S/N]".

The words manage to reassure the boy and he steps back, readjusting his backpack so the straps are properly over his shoulders. He nods to indicate he is ready to finally go inside. The two make there way in going back to holding hands. Walking down the hall, various pieces of paper with paintings made by fellow kindergarteners are hung up. Each piece has a student's name above it. However, there is a strip of hallway wall that has no art on it. This is because art from your son's class will be out there.

Shanks scans each of the pieces. He almost looks impressed. His train of thought is stopped when he notices the blank spot on the wall "Hey, buddy, look at the paintings. It looks like you'll be making one next! See? Your name is up here". He points at the spot and [S/N]'s eyes light up. This was definitely exciting for him.

Just then, a voice can be heard coming from nearby "Mr. Shanks! It's nice to see you again!" 

Shanks turns around after hearing his name and smiles "Hello, Mr. Mcshea!" he then looks down toward [S/N] "This is your teacher, Mr. Mcshea. Can you say hi?"

[S/N] hesitantly raises his arm and waves at the teacher.

The teacher puts his hands on his knees and smiles at the small boy "Well, hello, [S/N]! I've heard so much about you from your mom and dad. Are you ready for school? We are going to do a lot of fun things! We will paint, learn how to sing the alphabet, go outside to play, and tons more!"

Your husband pats [S/N] on the head "See? You guys will do all sorts of cool things. You can tell me all about it when I come to get you, alright?"

~ Time Skip ~

Your son's first day was over and both you and your husband were there to pick him up.

You both make your way toward the classroom and walk inside. You see [S/N] sitting at a small table excitedly coloring on paper with crayons...and entire box he dumped out. He is hyper-focused on his work and doesn't even realize the two of you are there. You and your husband happily look at each other and nod. You walk up to [S/N] and both say simultaneously "That's a great picture! Are you having fun making it?"

"Yes! I love coloring!" he exclaims, raising a blue crayon above his head. He makes contact with the sheet for only one more moment when he looks up and sees the both of you "Mommy! Daddy!" and leaps from his chair, hugging both of you (well, your legs since he is much shorter than you).

You softly pat his head and ask "How was school? It looks like you were having a blast".

[S/N] looks up at you with bright eyes and says he had a great day.

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