A girl and the gay

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I was never permitted to enter the forest. I had always abided by the regulation because I wasn't permitted to enter the forest. A creature "appears there at night," someone told me. I was never permitted to enter the forest. "People will go in but they won't come out," was what I was informed. I was never permitted to enter the forest. However, I'm defying that rule tonight.
The stars were sitting in the night sky, blazing brightly even though they were nowhere to be seen during the day, when I peered out of my crimson-colored windowsill. I took a close look at the rope's tied knots that were hanging out my window. I brought into question whether this is a wise decision to enter the forest. I questioned if this was an good idea, but after surveying my room's barren walls, dust-covered floors, and countless spider webs covering the ceiling, I came to the conclusion that it was.
I said to myself, "All right, let's do this," and looked back, however I quickly decided it would be best to do it now and get it over with. I began descending down the rope. When I finally reached the end of the rope, I spotted it. I halted when I saw a tall, menacing shadow over the trees simply staring down at me; when I looked at it again, it had vanished.
Perhaps it was just in my head, I wondered as I blinked and tilted my head in confusion. I proceeded my journey, this time ascending along the trail to the forest. When I paused at the forest's entrance, a chill spread through me. I turned to my left and then to my right, but I didn't see anyone there to prevent me from going into the forest. So I entered the forest and made my first step there as the fog obscured my vision. Seeing as nothing bad occurred, I kept on moving.
The fog became clearer as I moved further into the woodland. A stick broke, and there was a crunch as the leaves rustled. As I froze and tried to hear additional sounds, I could feel eyes on me. I turned to my right and heard another stick break upon the walkway. Behind me, a figure sprung out of the woods and threw me to the ground. "AH!" I screamed as the thing approached and asked, "Why are you here?" as I stared at it with panic starting to develop in my eyes.
"I won't respond to such inquiries." I answered, a few of my words stuttering. If you don't respond to my inquiry, I won't let you go any further. They threatened me as they drew nearer to my neck with their hand.
I paused for a moment, then I said, "I'm come to breach a village rule." They inquired, "Which is?" I shook my head as I wordlessly acknowledged the words. I glanced to the right, then to the left, and finally back at them. I said, "Don't go into the forest," in a hushed tone. I sat there stunned for a moment until the figure immediately started laughing. "What's so funny?" I demanded in a commanding tone.
Still chuckling, the creature turned to face me. "Your village's rule is not entering a forest?" They asked while gasping for air and attempting to control their laughter. I quickly caught on to how absurd that sounded and participated in the laughter. They stood up after we stopped laughing and grabbed my hand to help me off the ground. I dragged out the question, "So, what are you in the jungle for?" "I'm looking for adventure," you say. They regarded me as if I were insane and asked, "Why would you look for an adventure here?," "Because it's frightening and a lot of unexplained things happen here?"
I gave them a moment of my full attention before nodding in agreement acting like I understood and said, "Great! Now... Where are we headed?" I focus on the middle of the routes in front of me. "Why in the center?" they inquire, very puzzled at the random selection. They look embarrassed when I say "Because the other paths head into the fog," and they begin to go straight ahead; I slightly lag behind them...

I'm observing the forest as we move silently; the big spruce trees appear to have faces carved inside of them, and a massive fae ring is just barely visible close by...

The trees are disappearing as we walk farther, "Is it getting brighter?" I suddenly ask, just now realizing how bright it has gotten. "Umm." "I think so, yes?" Confused, we tilt our heads up and see the sun. I stare directly at it "OW!" I shout looking down and closing my eyes. They turned around confused as to why I yelled, then burst out laughing realizing why my eyes were closed.
"I can't believe you just stared at the sun." they managed to wheeze out while their laughs started to quiet down, they put their hand on their chin in a thinking position, "Um, I just realized I never asked." Then comes the question I've been dreading and trying to skip around "What's your name?" I freeze stuttering over my words "Oh uh my-y na-ame yeah uhhhh." I spluttered out "It's...." I looked around "Tall, oak, trees" I mumbled thinking quietly, then looked up at them quickly. "Adoette. Adoette is my name!" they stared at me for a second then said "Hello Adoette, I am Blaze!" they stated excitedly.
After that we started walking again, admiring the beautiful flowers that were dancing in the wind, decorating the ground in reds, blues, yellows, whites and pinks. A howl in the distance went unheard by the two...

We climbed over mountains, both tall and short. We ran over hills, rolling down them as well. We slept in caves, got attacked by a room full of spiders. Ran through villages, strolled past statues. And now we are in a forest, an oak forest.
"Stop!" I said suddenly "why?" They asked looking at me, "It's getting dark, we need to form a place to sleep before sundown," they looked to the sky and saw the sun setting, "All right, do you happen to have a tent in that bag of yours?" They tried to joke, but I just stared at them and the joke fell flat. "Oh you actually do, how did you fit that in your bag?" they asked, yelling confusedly. "Magic." and that was all I said before we fell into a comfortable silence...

After the tents were set up we sat on a large log we found and tried to start a fire with small sticks and twigs so we could eat. After a while of trying and that didn't work we decided to just sleep hungry. We walked into the tent passing the sad excuse of a fire and sat on the uncomfortable ground. We looked at each other for a second "This sucks." we say at the same time, we look at eachother again, "PFT" "AHA" we both laugh out loud. I put my back against the lumpy floor "Night.'' I call out, hearing no response back. I look in their direction, I see them sleep and a soft smile appears on my lips.
I lay back down and close my eyes, listening to the wind howl and then leaves crunch. And I'm asleep. All I can see is a dark void, I stare at the void and the void stares back. It's a dark abyss yet it has so much light, there's nobody here but eyes are everywhere in sight. The void is so empty yet so full of life, life like me.
But instead of doing stuff it watches, it watches as I move around the void, it watches as I try to figure out what is watching me, I see glowing. Red. Bright. Glowing. I see light, but I know that's not what was glowing. I open my eyes and look out the tent, then I see it. A wolf, with razor sharp teeth and a grin so wide you would have thought it was its birthday, then, it spotted me. I stood there frozen as it approached me.
It stared at me. With big red beady eyes, hunger filled eyes. I looked at it again and it was gone, I sighed in relief. That relief was short lived as just then there was a loud growl behind me, I turned my head to look at the wolf. And it pounced. "AHHH'' I screamed so loudly it might have woken up the whole village. I opened my eyes and woke up in my bed...

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