Always Have Me (Lockwood x GN!Reader)

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Honestly, (Y/N) didn't even feel it. But they could blame that on the shock.

Later on, when they'd ask George about it, he'd tell him quietly and morosely (like even the memory caused him pain), how dodging a ghost's outstretched hand had led to the young operative tripping down a flight of stairs and slamming down onto splintered wood.

Wood that had pierced them right in the side. Which admittedly was gruesome, but (Y/N) just counted themself lucky that they had escaped being ghost touched. Lucy had told them about what happened to her old friends, and the thought of leaving behind their housemates terrified them.

All they could hear was the ghost's shriek as their team neutralized it and...

And Lockwood's voice - muffled, terrified. "No, no! (Y/N), stay with us. It'll be okay! George! Call for help!"


Lockwood could barely stay focused in his fear. The moment he saw (Y/N) disappear down the stairs, his attention fully left the ghost that they were trying to contain. Bolting after his friend, not even thinking of the possibility of getting touched by the ghost. It didn't even matter in his mind, if something happened to (Y/N) then it didn't matter what happened to him.

The horrific sight of his friend - although honestly at that point 'friend' sounded like too weak of a word for their attachment - bleeding out send a coldness through his body. Kneeling over them, not knowing what to do, he could only attempt to comfort them as he yelled for George to get help.

Lockwood always felt a bit out of his element around (Y/N). A good kind of awkward, but awkward nonetheless. He'd read the books they'd like so he'd have something to talk about with them, and he'd try to be suave and charming but they'd always tease him about it. A little grin on their face that make it all worth it.

But in this moment. There was no awkwardness, just the knowledge that he completely forget what he was supposed to do. The imagined image of him lowering their casket into the ground imprinted in his mind.


(Y/N) woke up in a hospital bed, obviously DEPRAC from the document on the clipboard that the nurse was holding. They let the woman fuss over them for a second, before beginning to push her to let them see their friends.

As Lockwood, George, & Lucy burst into the room, (Y/N) could only grin at how glad they were to see them. Only a few months ago, nobody cared if they were dead or alive. Now, they had a family who cared about them with all their hearts and souls.

"Are you okay?" Lucy asked, her sweet face wide with worry.

"We thought you were gonna die..."

"You were bleeding like mad..."

As George and Lucy talked over each other in their concern, Lockwood finally spoke. "Okay, you lot. Let them take a breath, it's been a rough go." He stood back, not getting close to take their hand or pat them on the shoulder. Which wasn't a good feeling for (Y/N), but he never stopped looking at them, making them feel a little better. "Are you alright?" His brow was knitted in concern, an emotion that (Y/N) couldn't read on his face.

(Y/N) was close to all their housemates, but ever since they met Lockwood there was this pull that they felt for the handsome young operative. He seems to make every room he entered brighter, every joke he told lifted their spirits. They'd never felt so happy to be alive until they moved to 35 Portland Row.

"I'll live." They mustered up a smile, not wanting to make their friends more worried than the three of them clearly already were. "Just get me back home as soon as possible."

They missed the comfort and familiarity already. The old knickknacks and books lining most surfaces, the smell of wood, paper, coffee, and whatever delicious thing George was cooking.

Lockwood smiled back. "I promise."

And as usual, he kept his promise. It took a couple of days, but soon (Y/N) was healed enough to return to the agency and start getting back to normal. Helping George out around the house and researching new cases.

There was one problem, however. Ever since they had returned, Lockwood was... distant. Never alone in a room with (Y/N), never making excuses to speak to them and spend time with them like he did before they were injured. No, he just acted like they were just some acquaintance.

It broke their heart more than they cared to admit. Having got so used to Lockwood being so important in their life, that the loss of it felt like something had been stolen from (Y/N).

Lucy noticed the disquiet that (Y/N) was feeling. "Go talk to him, yeah? I'm sure it's fine and you two can sort this out." She told them comfortingly. "He was so worried about you when you were hurt. Nearly wore a hole in his shoes with his pacing."

So they did. It took a bit to work up the courage, but eventually they managed to find him in the library.

He looked elegant in the dim light, although he was always beautiful looking. Entirely focused on the book in front of him, his hand on his chin with the curves of his face accentuated by shadows.

It almost felt sacrilegious to ruin this moment, but (Y/N) needed his attention. "Is everything alright?" They asked.

Lockwood jumped a bit as the words broke through the silence. He looked nervous for a second, before masking that emotion behind one of his calm, superiority complex-ridden expressions. "Of course." He said, putting the book down and standing up. "Why wouldn't it be? Did something happen?"

"You tell me. You've barely spoken to me in days, Lockwood." Judging by the slight guilt on his face, he knew exactly that they were talking about. "What happened. What did I do?"

That immediately got through to him. "Nothing." He said quickly. "You didn't do anything, you're wonderful."

"Then why..."

"I was so useless." He them her off, eyes glancing anywhere but at (Y/N). "You were hurt and I wanted to help and I just... I completely forgot my training."

They'd rarely seen him this vulnerable before, a strange sort of desperation in his eyes that made them want to pull him close and never let go of him. "I'm fine, I'm going to be fine. You were there, that's all that matters." (Y/N) tried to consol him. He always had this need to be the defender, the one to look after everybody. It broke (Y/N)'s heart sometimes how ragged he'd run himself trying to make that a reality.

"No it's not all that matters. I'm supposed to protect you, and I couldn't even do that!"

"That's not your job, Lockwood." They reached up to cup his cheek, trying to give him some sort of comfort. Almost immediately he leaned into their touch, raising his hand to lay in on top of theirs and wrap his fingers through theirs.

"It is. I..." He tried to decide best how to say what he needed to. To get across the emotions that he felt whenever he was around (Y/N). "I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you here with me." He finally said, looking down at his feet to avoid seeing their eyes.

But they took matters into their own hands, tilting his face up so that he was looking at them once again. Their eyes slightly watering, but a small smile was playing on their lips.

"You don't have to do anything." They told him. "You'll always have me."

There was a relief in his eyes as they told him that. "Promise?" He was deathly serious, needing to hear them say it.

And they just leaned forward to kiss him, surprising him at first but thrilling him at the same time. He quickly reciprocated, taking their face in his hands to keep them close to him, never wanting to let go of them now that he finally had them in his arms.

"I promise." They finally told him when they finally leaned away to breath.

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