I'm All Yours (Lockwood x Fem!Reader)

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Honestly, if (Y/N) didn't know better, she'd say that Anthony Lockwood was obsessed with her.

The two of them were both ghost hunters, some of the best at what they do. But while Lockwood had his little team, (Y/N) felt a lot more comfortable working by herself. Once upon a time, she had a partner. But the thing about agents is that they had a habit of dying.

So now she did her own thing.

Lockwood didn't get the hint, however. They bumped into each other plenty of times, crossing paths during missions and sharing info when needed. (Y/N) liked him, she could definitely see how he inspired such loyalty in his coworkers.

And now, every time they see each other, the posh boy tried to get her to join Lockwood and co. Honestly it was a bit funny to (Y/N), teasing Lockwood about seeming desperate.

She liked him, and his team. They were always kind to her and clearly talented. But she wasn't willing to put in the effort to care about a group who had a habit of throwing themselves into danger.

Lockwood was clever and handsome, but (Y/N) were well aware that boys like him, posh boys with charming grins and silver tongues... they were more dangerous that any of the ghosts she faced. He'd make her as attached to him as his team was, and she was well aware of his messy relationship with his own mortality... and his difficulty (or inability) sharing his personal thoughts and feelings.

At least, that was what she told herself. Until...


35 Portland Row's landline was ringing. It was late at night, a time when ghosts owned the streets.

Usually Lockwood and co were doing a mission at that time. But tonight was a calm night. At least for them.

Anthony Lockwood picked up the phone. "Lockwood and co, how can I help you?" He said in his best professional, costumer service voice.

"Hello, Lockwood, my love. How are you?" (Y/N)'s voice came through the phone, and he immediately relaxed. Leaning against the counter, he smiled at the sound of her voice.

"I'm doing well (Y/N). Always a joy to hear your voice. How are you? What can I do for you?"

"Umm, so, funny story... I'm doing a mission right now and I had a little bit of an accident." His smile immediately dropped. "Ghost was stronger than I thought. My arm is most likely broken and I'd quite appreciate some help if you're free." She told him the address, then paused. The silence made him more nervous that her words, he knew how much she hated asking for help. It must be serious for her to call him like that. "Okay, so... ghost is back. If you could come quickly, that would be appreciated."

She hung up.

Lockwood had never gotten his team and equipment together so fast in his life.


When they got to the house that (Y/N) was allegedly in, they immediately tracked her location from the noises coming from the top floor.

"Fucking hell! You cunt!" (Y/N)'s voice rang out, followed by a crash. Of course she would try to fight a ghost verbally when she couldn't fight it physically

Lockwood and co sprung into action, going after the ghost and searching for the source. Lockwood's first priority was (Y/N), finding her turning her sweater into a makeshift sling for her arm.

"Are you alright?" He rushed out, checking her over for bleeding.

"Yeah, I..." She began to speak before she noticed something behind them. "Looks out!" She shoved him to the side, grabbing her sword from the ground and swinging it at the ghost that had just appeared.

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