Chapter IX: The Showdown!

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We were about thirty minutes in the patrol when Blake said, “So.”

“So, I replied.

“Are you two like boyfriend and girlfriend or something?” I didn’t respond. Selina blushed and looked away. She tried real hard to hide that, but Blake spotted it. “Oh you are. I knew it. Chris and Selina sitting in a tree…”

“You finish that sentence, I cut out your tongue,” I warned. He shut up just like that.

“I wouldn’t antagonize him if I were you. He has a real short temper when it comes to strangers and people he doesn’t like,” Selina cut in. She could tell a fight was brewing. And if she didn’t intervene only one of us would walk away.

My face showed no emotion throughout this entire ordeal. “No it’s alright. I’m fine. Hey watch out for that root,” I said to Blake. 

“What roo… ooof,” he grunted as he tripped over the large root I mentioned. “Oh, that root.”

I crouched down and said to him, “Situational awareness. You need to know everything that transpires around you. If that was a mine, you would have just lost your leg,” I said. He just stared at me blankly. I helped him up and we continued on in silence.

We had met up with Group 2 and 3 and we were heading back towards the school. “Is everyone heading back to the school now,” I asked into the com-link? No one answered. “That’s weird. Does anyone copy?” Still no one answered. “Can you guys hear me over the intercom?” Blake walked out of earshot and said something inaudible. All I heard over the com-link was static. He came back and shook his head. I took the earwig out and threw it away. “Something’s very wrong. Stay on my six. Arrow formation.” They both nodded. We made our way cautiously to the Fort Clarke sign, which was the original start of the U.D.C.

Right out of the blue Blake suddenly collapsed unconscious. Selina fell to the ground next. There was a tiny little dart with a white feather at the end sticking out of her leg. She was still alive because I could see the methodic rise and fall of her chest. All of this flashed through my mind in an instant. In the next, I sidestepped, and the sleep dart thudded into the ground beside me. Unfortunately it was impossible to dodge the next 30 darts. I dropped to one knee and tried desperately to hang on to consciousness. But the darkness was overwhelming. And all went black.


Finally I regained consciousness. It felt as if someone used my head as a battering ram. I couldn’t tell how long I was under, but I knew it was more than a few hours. It was also impossible to the time of day, because we were in the gym and the windows were blacked out and all the lights were turned out. As my eyes adjusted I saw ten other dark forms hanging on the wall beside me. We were hanging from the wall by the old vintage iron clasps. For some reason this year’s theme was historic. I knew it could only be my team. That explains why the com-link was out of commission. Also our weapons were hanging on far wall. But I didn’t see my gauntlets anywhere.

I felt Selina stir awake beside me. “Hey, you awake?”

“Yeah, but I’m extremely groggy,” she answered.

“I know what you mean. But we are in deep trouble; do you happen to have a bobby-pin, do you?”

“I do. But I can’t reach it,” she replied.

“That’s alright I can.” I reached over and pulled the small pin out. Her hair fell down into beautiful, black locks. She caught me staring before I could catch myself.

“What?” Now I was staring into her turquoise eyes for a whole two minutes before I actually caught myself again. 

“You’re just so beautiful,” I replied. She blushed a deep, deep red. ‘Time to get to work’ I thought. I began working on the iron clasps.

Bullets, Bomb-blasts, and Battlefields: Facing the U.D.C.Where stories live. Discover now