Chapter VII: Let the Battle Begin!!!

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Today was June 1st, the day of the U.D.C. Today everyone in the United States of America will be watching a form of the U.D.C. There was a huge crowd gathered around the front of the school waiting for the challenge to begin.

 I knew my family was watching on TV. I knew they’d be worried to death about me, but luckily I got to say my goodbyes to most of them. I couldn’t say goodbye to my grandpa. One, because he was in D.C., and two, because he wouldn’t allow it. I called him up to tell him goodbye and he said, “You don’t need to say goodbye, Jake, because I know for a fact that you will walk out victorious. I just want you to remember your training and come out strong. See you soon.”  And he hung up.

I saw Mrs. Bethea making her way towards me. Once she arrived she spoke in a hurried whisper, “Remember, your stuff is in in the big black bag. We also packed a Kevlar vest in for good measure.”

“Did you put one in every bag?” I asked, but I already knew what her answer would be.

“Umm, no. We didn’t think that far ahead.”

“Of course you didn’t. Well I won’t be using the vest at all,” I replied.

“You are our most valuable asset. We need you alive,” she protested.

“Let’s get something straight.  I’m not doing this for you.  I’m doing it for the team. My team is your most valuable asset, anyway. Not just me. Besides, I won’t need it anyway,” I stared at her, daring her to contradict me. She was smart and let it drop.

“So the long bow and other items are in the sky-blue bag. All the rest are fair game. The plane will be ready in three days’ time. You need to be on that roof,” she pointed to the school’s roof behind me, “when it arrives. You only have a five minute window. I guarantee, after five minutes the police jets will be on us like stink on a pig. We don’t have a pilot that can fly combat, so what do you plan to do?”

“Don’t worry. All your pilot has to do is get the SR73 into the dome and land on the roof. I’ll take care of the rest,” I replied.

“How in the world do you plan on accomplishing that?”

“I thought you read my file. I can fly any plane from a crop duster to a Boeing 747, and everything in between. Plus, I designed the plane myself, remember?”

“Name one thing you can’t do,” she said.

“I can’t dance,” I answered.

“Smart ass,” she muttered. “I have one more thing to say.”

“Which is?” I prompted.

“Stay alive!” 

“Like that’s gonna be a problem!” I called after her. But she was already out of earshot.

I turned to my team to relay the instructions. “If we win the coin toss then I pick first, as per regulations. I’m picking the Black bag. Selina here needs to pick the sky-blue bag. Other than that, the other colors are free game. Are we all clear?” I asked.

“Yes sir,” everyone shouted back!

“Good, now we all understand each other. When the starting gun fires, everyone fan out and be gone in five seconds. They’ll still be regrouping by the time we are all gone. That is a big advantage but it won’t take them long to start down your trails. Branch out to the border of the arena. Wait out the night and report to the rendezvous at noon tomorrow. Synchronize your watches now on my mark. Three, Two, One.” All the watches beeped simultaneously. “Great, let’s go. The party’s about to start.”

Mrs. Kidwell stepped up to the podium. “Can I have both teams on the stage please? We’re about to have the coin toss.” Both teams came up, Trent and I staring daggers into each other’s eyes.

Bullets, Bomb-blasts, and Battlefields: Facing the U.D.C.Where stories live. Discover now